Hazemeter Upload Tool

Browse for the Hazemeter file on your computer and press Submit File.

The following file name convention must be followed:


where 'DATE' is the current date in the following format (e.g., August 19, 2002): 19082002; 'sitename' is the name of the instrument site without underscore '_' characters; X is the instrument number (e.g., 55 or 055); and zzz may be any text file extension (e.g., txt, log).

Example: 19082002RobertPooleMiddle_55.txt


  • New Users: The location and instrument site must be registered before submitting data (Verify instrument and site configuration). Please notify Dave Giles to make the appropriate changes.
  • Hazemeter file should be in the text format. The software will not accept an Excel or Zip data file.
  • For users with multiple instruments, please submit one instrument per file.
  • If you have changed the instrument site, please notify Dave Giles to make the site change and wait for confirmation of the site change before submitting the file.

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Last Modified: 15.10.2002