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Senior AERONET Authors - Atmosphere

Additional information on these articles may be obtained by contacting the author directly.

Oleg Dubovik

Dubovik, O., A. Sinyuk, T. Lapyonok, B. N. Holben, M. Mishchenko, P. Yang, T. F. Eck, H. Volten, O. Munoz, B. Veihelmann, W. J. van der Zande, J-F Leon, M. Sorokin, and I. Slutsker, 2006: Application of spheroid models to account for aerosol particle nonsphericity in remonte sensing of desert dust. J. Geophys. Res., 111, doi:10.1029/2005JD006619.

Dubovik, O., "Optimization of Numerical Inversion in Photopolarimetric Remote Sensing", in Photopolarimetry in Remote Sensing (G. Videen, Y. Yatskiv and M. Mish-chenko, Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 65-106, 2004.

Dubovik, O., B.N.Holben,T. Lapyonok, A.Sinyuk, M. I. Mishchenko, P. Yang, and I.Slutsker, 2002: Non-spherical aerosol retrieval method employing light scattering by spheriods,Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 54-1 - 54-4.

Dubovik, O., B.N.Holben, T.F.Eck, A.Smirnov, Y.J.Kaufman, M.D.King, D.Tanre, and I.Slutsker, 2002: Variability of absorption and optical properties of key aerosol types observed in worldwide locations, J.Atm.Sci., 59, 590-608 .

Dubovik, O. and M. D. King, 2000: A flexible inversion algorithm for retrieval of aerosol optical properties from Sun and sky radiance measurements," J. Geophys. Res., 105, 20 673-20 696.

Dubovik, O., A. Smirnov, B. N. Holben, M. D. King, Y.J. Kaufman, T. F. Eck, and I. Slutsker, 2000: Accuracy assessments of aerosol optical properties retrieved from AERONET sun and sky-radiance measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 9791-9806.

Dubovik, O., B.N. Holben, Y. J. Kaufman, M. Yamasoe, A. Smirnov, D. Tanre, I. Slutsker, 1998: Single-scattering albedo of smoke retrieved from the sky radiance and solar transmittance measured from ground, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 31 903- 31 924.

Dubovik, O. V, T. Yokota and Y .Sasano, 1998: Improved technique for data inversion and its application to the retrieval algorithm for ADEOS/ILAS, Advances in Space Research, 21, N3, 397-403.

Dubovik, O. V, T. V. Lapyonok and S. L. Oshchepkov, 1995: Improved technique for data inversion: optical sizing of multicomponent aerosols, Appl.Opt., 34, 8422-8436.

Thomas F. Eck

Eck, T. F., Holben, B. N., Kim, J., Beyersdorf, A. J., Choi, M., Lee, S., Koo, J.-H., Giles, D. M., Schafer, J. S., Sinyuk, A., Peterson, D. A., Reid, J. S., Arola, A., Slutsker, I., Smirnov, A., Sorokin, M., Kraft, J., Crawford, J. H., Anderson, B. E., Thornhill, K. L., Diskin, G., Kim, S.-W., and Park, S. (2020), Influence of cloud, fog, and high relative humidity during pollution transport events in South Korea: Aerosol properties and PM2.5 variability, 232,

Eck, T. F., Holben, B. N., Giles, D. M., Slutsker, I., Sinyuk, A., Schafer, J. S., et al. (2019). AERONET remotely sensed measurements and retrievals of biomass burning aerosol optical properties during the 2015 Indonesian burning season. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 4722–4740.

Eck, T. F., Holben, B. N., Reid, J. S., Xian, P.,Giles, D. M., Sinyuk, A., et al. (2018). Observations of the interaction andtransport of fine mode aerosols withcloud and/or fog in Northeast Asia fromAerosol Robotic Network and satelliteremote sensing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123.

Eck, T. F., Holben, B. N., Reid, J. S., Arola, A., Ferrare, R. A., Hostetler, C. A., Crumeyrolle, S. N., Berkoff, T. A., Welton, E. J., Lolli, S., Lyapustin, A., Wang, Y., Schafer, J. S., Giles, D. M., Anderson, B. E., Thornhill, K. L., Minnis, P., Pickering, K. E., Loughner, C. P., Smirnov, A., and Sinyuk, A.: Observations of rapid aerosol optical depth enhancements in the vicinity of polluted cumulus clouds, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 11633-11656, doi: 10.5194/acp-14-11633-2014, 2014. (PDF)

Eck, T. F., B. N. Holben, J. S. Reid, M. M. Mukelabai, S. J. Piketh, O. Torres, H. T. Jethva, E. J. Hyer, D. E. Ward, O. Dubovik, A. Sinyuk, J. S. Schafer, D. M. Giles, M. Sorokin, A. Smirnov and I. Slutsker   ( 2013),  A seasonal trend of single scattering albedo in southern African biomass-burning particles: Implications for satellite products and estimates of emissions for the world's largest biomass-burning source,  J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.118, doi: 10.1002/jgrd.50500.

Eck T. F., B. N. Holben, J. S. Reid, D. M. Giles, M. A Rivas, R. P. Singh, S. N. Tripathi, C. J. Bruegge, S. Platnick, G. T. Arnold, N. A.Krotkov, S. A. Cam, A. Sinyuk, O. Dubovik, A. Arola, J. S. Schafer, P. Artaxo, A. Smirnov, H. Chen, and P. Goloub (2012), Fog- and cloud-induced aerosol modification observed by the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET), J. Geophys. Res, 117, D07206, doi:10.1029/2011JD016839.

Eck, T. F., B. N. Holben, A. Sinyuk, R. T. Pinker, P. Goloub, H. Chen, B. Chatenet, Z. Li, R. P. Singh, S. N. Tripathi, J. S. Reid, D. M. Giles, O. Dubovik, N. T. O’Neill, A. Smirnov, P. Wang, and X. Xia (2010), Climatological aspects of the optical properties of fine/coarse mode aerosol mixtures, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D19205, doi:10.1029/2010JD014002.

Eck, T. F., B.N. Holben, J.S. Reid, A. Sinyuk, E.J. Hyer, N.T. O’Neill, G.E. Shaw, J.R. Vande Castle, F.S. Chapin, O. Dubovik, A. Smirnov, E. Vermote, J.S. Schafer, D. Giles, I. Slutsker, M. Sorokine, and W. W. Newcomb (2009), Optical properties of boreal region biomass burning aerosols in central Alaska and seasonal variation of aerosol optical depth at an Arctic coastal site, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D11201, doi:10.1029/2008JD010870.

Eck, T. F., B. N. Holben, J. S. Reid, A. Sinyuk, O. Dubovik, A. Smirnov, D. Giles, N. T. O’Neill, S.-C. Tsay, Q. Ji, A. Al Mandoos, M. Ramzan Khan, E. A. Reid, J. S. Schafer, M. Sorokine, W. Newcomb, and I. Slutsker (2008), Spatial and temporal variability of column-integrated aerosol optical properties in the southern Arabian Gulf and United Arab Emirates in summer, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D01204, doi:10.1029/2007JD008944. (PDF)

Eck, T.F., B.N. Holben, O. Dubovik, A. Smirnov, P. Goloub, H.B. Chen, B. Chatenet, L. Gomes, X.Y. Zhang, S.C. Tsay, Q. Ji, D. Giles, and I. Slutsker, Columnar aerosol optical properties at AERONET sites in central eastern Asia and aerosol transport to the tropical mid-Pacific, J. Geophys. Res., 110 , D06202, doi:10.1029/2004JD005274, 2005.

Eck, T.F., B.N. Holben, J.S. Reid, N.T. O'Neill, J.S. Schafer, O. Dubovik, A. Smirnov, M.A. Yamasoe, and P. Artaxo, High aerosol optical depth biomass burning events: A comparison of optical properties for different source regions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(20), 2035, doi:10.1029/2003GL017861, 2003.

Eck, T. F., B. N. Holben, D. E. Ward, M. M. Mukelabai, O. Dubovik, A. Smirnov, J. S. Schafer, N. C. Hsu, S. J. Piketh, A. Queface, J. Le Roux, R. J. Swap, and I. Slutsker, 2003: Variability of biomass burning aerosol optical characteristics in southern Africa during the SAFARI 2000 dry season campaign and a comparison of single scattering albedo estimates from radiometric measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D13), 8477, doi:10.1029/2002JD002321, 2003.

Eck, T.F., B.N.Holben, O.Dubovik, A.Smirnov, I.Slutsker, J.M.Lobert, and V.Ramanathan, 2001: Column integrated aerosol optical properties over the Maldives during the northeast monsoon for 1998-2000, J.Geophys.Res., 106, 28 555-28 566.

Eck, T.F., B.N. Holben, D.E. Ward, O. Dubovik, J.S. Reid, A. Smirnov, M.M. Mukelabai, N.C. Hsu, N.T. O'Neill, and I. Slutsker, 2001: Characterization of the optical properties of biomass burning aerosols in Zambia during the 1997 ZIBBEE field campaign, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 3425-3448.

Eck, T.F., B.N.Holben, J.S.Reid, O.Dubovik, A.Smirnov, N.T.O'Neill, I.Slutsker, and S.Kinne, 1999: Wavelength dependence of the optical depth of biomass burning, urban and desert dust aerosols, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 31 333-31 350.

Eck, T.F., B. N. Holben, I. Slutsker, and A. Setzer, 1998: Measurements of irradiance attenuation and estimation of aerosol single scattering albedo for biomass burning aerosols in Amazonia, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 31 865-31 878.

Eck, T.F., B.N.Holben, I.Slutsker, 1997: Measurements of irradiance attenuation and calculation of aerosol single scattering albedo for biomass burning aerosols during SCAR-B, SCAR-B Proceedings, Ed. by V. Kirchhoff, 45-48.

David M. Giles

Giles, D. M., Sinyuk, A., Sorokin, M. G., Schafer, J. S., Smirnov, A., Slutsker, I., Eck, T. F., Holben, B. N., Lewis, J. R., Campbell, J. R., Welton, E. J., Korkin, S. V., and Lyapustin, A. I. (2019): Advancements in the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) Version 3 database – automated near-real-time quality control algorithm with improved cloud screening for Sun photometer aerosol optical depth (AOD) measurements, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 169-209,

Giles, D. M., B. N. Holben, T. F. Eck, A. Sinyuk, A. Smirnov, I. Slutsker, R. R. Dickerson, A. M. Thompson, and J. S. Schafer (2012), An analysis of AERONET aerosol absorption properties and classifications representative of aerosol source regions, J. Geophys. Res., 117, D17203, doi:10.1029/2012JD018127.

Giles, D. M., B. N. Holben, S. N. Tripathi, T. F. Eck, W. W. Newcomb, I. Slutsker, R. R. Dickerson, A. M. Thompson, S. Mattoo, S.-H. Wang, R. P. Singh, A. Sinyuk, and J. S. Schafer (2011), Aerosol properties over the Indo-Gangetic Plain: A mesoscale perspective from the TIGERZ experiment, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D18203, doi:10.1029/2011JD015809.

Brent N. Holben

Holben, B. N., Kim, J., Sano, I., Mukai, S., Eck, T. F., Giles, D. M., Schafer, J. S., Sinyuk, A., Slutsker, I., Smirnov, A., Sorokin, M., Anderson, B. E., Che, H., Choi, M., Crawford, J. H., Ferrare, R. A., Garay, M. J., Jeong, U., Kim, M., Kim, W., Knox, N., Li, Z., Lim, H. S., Liu, Y., Maring, H., Nakata, M., Pickering, K. E., Piketh, S., Redemann, J., Reid, J. S., Salinas, S., Seo, S., Tan, F., Tripathi, S. N., Toon, O. B., and Xiao, Q. (2018): An overview of mesoscale aerosol processes, comparisons, and validation studies from DRAGON networks, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 655-671,

Holben, B. N., T. F. Eck, I. Slutsker, A. Smirnov, A Sinyuk, J. Schafer, D. Giles, O. Dubovik, 2006: Aeronet’s Version 2.0 quality assurance criteria, Proc. SPIE 6408, Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Clouds, 64080Q, doi:10.1117/12.706524. (PDF)

Holben, B.N., D.Tanre, A.Smirnov, T.F.Eck, I.Slutsker, N.Abuhassan, W.W.Newcomb, J.Schafer, B.Chatenet, F.Lavenue, Y.J.Kaufman, J.Vande Castle, A.Setzer, B.Markham, D.Clark, R.Frouin, R.Halthore, A.Karnieli, N.T.O'Neill, C.Pietras, R.T.Pinker, K.Voss, and G.Zibordi, 2001: An emerging ground-based aerosol climatology: Aerosol Optical Depth from AERONET, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 12 067-12 097. (PDF) | (TXT)

Holben, B.N., D.E.Ward, R.A.Susott, T.F.Eck et al., 2000: Intercomparison of biomass burning aerosol size distribution retrievals with airborne vertical profile measurements of aerosol mass concentration in Zambia (in preparation).

Holben B.N., T.F.Eck, I.Slutsker, D.Tanre, J.P.Buis, A.Setzer, E.Vermote, J.A.Reagan, Y.Kaufman, T.Nakajima, F.Lavenu, I.Jankowiak, and A.Smirnov, 1998: AERONET - A federated instrument network and data archive for aerosol characterization, Rem. Sens. Environ., 66, 1-16.

Holben, B.N. et. al., 1996: Temporal and spatial variability of aerosol loading and properties during the Amazon, North American temperate, and Boreal forest burning seasons, Biomass Burning and Global Change, Vol. 2, ed. by J.S.Levine, 618-636.

Holben, B. N., A.Setzer, T.F.Eck, A.Pereira, and I.Slutsker, 1996: Effect of dry-season biomass burning on Amazon basin aerosol concentrations and optical properties, 1992-1994, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 19 465-19 481.

Norman T. O'Neill

O'Neill, N.T., S. Thulasiraman, T.F. Eck, and J.S. Reid, 2005: Robust optical features of fine mode size distributions: Application to the Quebec smoke event of 2002, J. Geophys Res.- Atmos., 110 (D11), D11207, 10.1029/2004JD005157.

O'Neill, N.T., T.F.Eck, , A.Smirnov, B.N.Holben, and S.Thulasiraman, Spectral discrimination of coarse and fine mode optical deph, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D17), 4559, doi:10.1029/2002JD002975, 2003.

  • Recent changes to the coarse/fine mode optical depth deconvolution algorithm, April 2008. (PDF)

O'Neill, N. T.,T. F., Eck, , A. Smirnov, B. N.Holben, S. Thulasiraman, 2003: Spectral discrimination of coarse and fine mode optical depth, 108, J. Geophys. Res., No. D17, 4559-4573, 10.1029/2002JD002975.

O'Neill, N. T., Eck, T. F., Holben, B. N., Smirnov, A.A. Royer, Z. Li, 2002: Optical properties of Boreal Forest Fire Smoke Derived from Sunphotometry, J. Geophys. Res., 107,D11, 10.1029/2001JD000877.

O'Neill, N.T., T.F.Eck, B.N.Holben, A.Smirnov, O.Dubovik, and A.Royer, 2001: Bimodal size distribution influences on the variation of Angstrom derivatives in spectral and optical depth space, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 9787-9806.

O'Neill, N.T., O.Dubovik, O., and T.F.Eck, 2001: A modified Angstrom coefficient for the characterization of sub-micron aerosols, Appl. Opt., 40, 15, 2368-2375.

O'Neill, N.T., A.Ignatov, B.N.Holben, and T.F.Eck, 2000: The lognormal distribution as a reference for reporting aerosol optical depth statistics; Empirical tests using multi-year, multi-site AERONET sunphotometer data, J. Geophys. Lett., 27, 20, 3333-3336.

Joel S. Schafer

Schafer, J. S., Eck, T. F., Holben, B. N., Thornhill, K. L., Ziemba, L. D., Sawamura, P., Moore, R. H., Slutsker, I., Anderson, B. E., Sinyuk, A., Giles, D. M., Smirnov, A., Beyersdorf, A. J., and Winstead, E. L.: Intercomparison of aerosol volume size distributions derived from AERONET ground-based remote sensing and LARGE in situ aircraft profiles during the 2011–2014 DRAGON and DISCOVER-AQ experiments, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 5289–5301,, 2019.

Schafer, J. S., et al. (2014), Intercomparison of aerosol single-scattering albedo derived from AERONET surface radiometers and LARGE in situ aircraft profiles during the 2011 DRAGON-MD and DISCOVER-AQ experiments, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, doi:10.1002/2013JD021166.

Schafer, J. S., T. F. Eck, B. N. Holben, P. Artaxo, and A. F. Duarte (2008), Characterization of the optical properties of atmospheric aerosols in Amazônia from long-term AERONET monitoring (1993–1995 and 1999–2006), J. Geophys. Res., 113, D04204, doi:10.1029/2007JD009319.

Schafer, J.S., Holben BN, Eck TF, et al. Atmospheric effects on insolation in the Brazilian Amazon: Observed modification of solar radiation by clouds and smoke and derived single scattering albedo of fire aerosols, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 107 (D20): art. no. 8074 SEP-OCT 2002.

Schafer, J.S., T.F. Eck, B.N. Holben, P. Artaxo, M.A. Yamasoe, A.S. Procopio: Observed Reductions of Total Solar Irradiance by Biomass-Burning Aerosols in the Brazilian Amazon and Zambian Savanna, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29 (17) 1823 SEP 2002.

Alexander Sinyuk

Sinyuk, A., Holben, B. N., Eck, T. F., Giles, D. M., Slutsker, I., Dubovik, O., Schafer, J. S., Smirnov, A., and Sorokin, M.: Employing relaxed smoothness constraints on imaginary part of refractive index in AERONET aerosol retrieval algorithm, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 4135–4151,, 2022.

Sinyuk, A., Holben, B. N., Eck, T. F., Giles, D. M., Slutsker, I., Korkin, S., Schafer, J. S., Smirnov, A., Sorokin, M., and Lyapustin, A.: The AERONET Version 3 aerosol retrieval algorithm, associated uncertainties and comparisons to Version 2, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 3375–3411,, 2020.

Sinyuk, A., B. N. Holben, A. Smirnov, T. F. Eck, I. Slutsker, J. S. Schafer, D. M. Giles, and M. Sorokin (2012), Assessment of error in aerosol optical depth measured by AERONET due to aerosol forward scattering, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L23806, doi:10.1029/2012GL053894.

Sinyuk, A., O. Dubovik, B. Holben, T.F. Eck, F-M Breon, J. Martonchik, R. Kahn, D. J. Diner, E. F. Vermote, J-C Roger, T. Lapyonok, and I. Slutsker, Simultaneous retrieval of aerosol and surface properties from a combination of AERONET and satellite, Rem. Sens. of Env., 107, 2007, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2006.07.022.

Sinyuk, A., O. Torres, O. Dubovik, Combined use of satellite and surface observations to infer the imaginary part of refractive index of Saharan dust, J. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, 10.1029/2002GL016189, 2003.

Alexander Smirnov

Smirnov, A., T.B.Zhuravleva, M.Segal-Rozenheimer, and B.N.Holben, Limitations of AERONET SDA product in presence of cirrus clouds, J.Q.S.R.T., 206, 338-341,, 2018.

Smirnov, A., B. N. Holben, I. Slutsker, D. M. Giles, C. R. McClain, T. F. Eck, S. M. Sakerin, A. Macke, P. Croot, G. Zibordi, P. K. Quinn, J. Sciare, S. Kinne, M. Harvey, T. J. Smyth, S. Piketh, T. Zielinski, A. Proshutinsky, J. I. Goes, N. B. Nelson, P. Larouche, V. F. Radionov, P. Goloub, K. Krishna Moorthy, R. Matarrese, E. J. Robertson, and F. Jourdin (2009), Maritime Aerosol Network as a component of Aerosol Robotic Network, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D06204, doi:10.1029/2008JD011257.

Smirnov, A., B.N. Holben, S. M. Sakerin, D.M. Kabanov, I. Slutsker, M. Chin, T.L. Diehl, L.A. Remer, R. Kahn, A. Ignatov, L. Liu, M. Mishchenko, T.F. Eck, T.L. Kuscera, D. Giles, and O.V. Kopelevich, 2006: Ship-based aerosol optical depth measurements in the Atlantic Ocean: Comparison with satellite retrievals and GOCART model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L14817, doi:10.1029/2006GL026051.

Smirnov, A., B.N.Holben, T.F.Eck, O.Dubovik, and I.Slutsker, Effect of wind speed on columnar aerosol optical properties at Midway Island, J.Geophys.Res., 108 (D24), 4802, doi:10.1029/2003JD003879, 2003.

Smirnov, A., B. N. Holben, O. Dubovik, R. Frouin, T. F. Eck, and I. Slutsker, 2003: Maritime component in aerosol optical models derived from Aerosol Robotic Network data, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D1), 4033, doi:10.1029/2002JD002701.

Smirnov, A., B. N. Holben, T. F. Eck, I. Slutsker, B. Chatenet, and R. T. Pinker, 2002: Diurnal variability of aerosol optical depth observed at AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Network) sites, Geophys. Res. Lett. , 29 (23), 2115, doi:10.1029/2002GL016305.

Smirnov, A., B.N.Holben, O.Dubovik, N.T.O'Neill, T.F.Eck, D.L.Westphal, A.K.Goroch, C.Pietras, and I.Slutsker, 2002: Atmospheric Aerosol Optical Properties in the Persian Gulf, J. Atm. Sci., 59, 620-634.

Smirnov, A., B.N.Holben, Y.J.Kaufman, O.Dubovik, T.F.Eck, I.Slutsker, C.Pietras, and R.Halthore, 2002: Optical Properties of Atmospheric Aerosol in Maritime Environments, J.Atm.Sci., 59, 501-523.

Smirnov, A., B.N.Holben, D.Savoie, J.M.Prospero, Y.J.Kaufman, D.Tanre, T.F.Eck, and I.Slutsker, 2000: Relationship between column aerosol optical thickness and in situ ground based dust concentrations over Barbados, Geoph. Res. Lett., 27, 1643-1646.

Smirnov, A., B.N.Holben, O.Dubovik, N.T.O'Neill, L.A.Remer, T.F.Eck, I.Slutsker, and D.Savoie, 2000: Measurement of atmospheric optical parameters on US Atlantic coast sites, ships and Bermuda during TARFOX, J.Geophys.Res., 105, 9887-9901.

Smirnov A., B.N.Holben, T.F.Eck, O.Dubovik, and I.Slutsker, 2000: Cloud screening and quality control algorithms for the AERONET database, Rem.Sens.Env., 73, 337-349.

Smirnov, A., B.N.Holben, I.Slutsker, E.J.Welton, and P.Formenti, 1998: Optical properties of Saharan dust during ACE-2, J.Geophys.Res., 103, 28 079-28 092.

Smirnov, A., N.T.O'Neill, A.Royer, A.Tarussov, and B.McArthur, 1996: Aerosol optical depth over Canada and the link with synoptic air mass types, J.Geophys.Res., 101, 19 299-19 318.

Smirnov, A., O.Yershov, and Yu.Villevalde, 1995: Aerosol optical depth in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean sea, Proceedings of SPIE, 2582, 203-214.

Smirnov, A., Yu.Villevalde, N.T.O'Neill, A.Royer, and A.Tarussov, 1995: Aerosol optical depth over the oceans: analysis in terms of synoptic air mass types, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 16 639-16 650.

Anne Vermeulen

Vermeulen, A., C.Devaux, and M.Herman, 2000: Retrieval of the scattering and microphysical properties of aerosols from ground based optical measurements including polarization. 1: Method, Appl.Opt., 39, 33, 6207-6220.

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