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LOGISTICS - Cimel Sun Photometer Set-up Manual

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The basic assembly is relatively simple and one can probably get the robot assembled etc with no problems. Most of the cables only fit in one place and are labeled clearly.

Once you have the robot assembled, orient it so the zenith motor casing is pointing roughly East (the metal claw to which the sensor head is attached, then points to the West). This is just a rough starting point. The set-up details that follow should aid you. (FIGURE 1).

FIGURE 1:  Thumbnail image hyperlink that increases the size of the Sun photometer image to show the sun photometer/robot configuration

1. The round connector end of the data cable should be attached to the sensor head, and the flat connector should be plugged into the white Cimel control box. Strap the sensor head to the robot metal claw using the silver metal band. Make sure that the face of the sensor head is flush with the edge of the metal claw (FIGURE 2).

FIGURE 2: Thumbnail image hyperlink that increases the size of the zoomed image of the sun photometer attached to the robot

2. Ensure that the long axis of the collimator cross-section is perpendicular to the axis of the zenith motor casing and claw. (FIGURE 3)

FIGURE 3: Thumbnail image hyperlink that increases the size of the zoomed image of the sun photometer to show the collimator

3. Verify the Cimel control box TIME and DATE are correct, i.e., it agrees with the Vitel clock. If the Time or Date is wrong, the Cimel will NOT find the sun on a GOSUN command. (See Setting the Cimel control box time)

4. Verify that the ROBOT itself is level. Do not use the embedded bubble level on top of the ROBOT. Place the supplied bubble level on top of the flat ledge of the central robot tubular body (below the sensor head motor) This should be level in both the north/sount and east/west axes.(FIGURE 4)

FIGURE 4: Thumbnail image hyperlink that increases the size of the zoomed image of the sun photometer to show how to level the robot

5. Put the Cimel in manual mode using the white control box display screen. In Manual mode, the main screen looks like this:


6. Do a Park procedure. When PARK is complete it should result in a parked position where the sensor head collimator is pointing down, perpendicular to the ground. Place the bubble level on the top of the metal claw arm (FIGURE 5) and verify that this is level.

FIGURE 5: Thumbnail image hyperlink that increases the size of the zoomed image of the sun photometer to show how to level the robot in the sun photometer mounting location

6 b. If not, loosen the zenith bolt's hex nut (below the permanent bubble level on the top of the robot) (FIGURE 6) and level it by rotating the zenith motor casing with your hand.

FIGURE 6: Thumbnail image hyperlink that increases the size of the zoomed image of the robot to show the zenith bolt hex nut

7. Re-tighten the zenith nut tightly. (FIGURE 7)

Important: Perform another PARK procedure or two and make sure it is in fact level.

FIGURE 7: Thumnail image hyperlink that increases the size of the zoomed image of the robot to show the zenith bolt hex nut and wrenches used to tighten the nut

8. Using the right 2 buttons, change the display to read GOSUN. Select GO to initiate. The sensor head should point to the sun. (FIGURE 8)

FIGURE 8: Thumbnail image hyperlink that increases the size of the image to show how the sun photometer should point towards the sun

9. The hole at the top of the collimator should allow the sunlight to illuminate the marker spot at the base of the collimator. (FIGURE 9) When the bright spot is on the mark, the instrument is aligned. If it is off to the left or right, rotate the robot base to align it. After you rotate the robot, you will need to verify that the robot is still level as before.

FIGURE 9: Thumbnail image hyperlink that increases the size of the image to show the spot where the sun should illuminate when the photometer is correctly oriented towards the sun

10. PARK the instrument. Perform another GOSUN to check that the alignment is still good. If not, ensure that the robot is level, and that the sensor head is level when manually parked.

Important Note:
When you level the sensor head and do a GOSUN, repeat this process a few times to verify the alignment. The first GOSUN after leveling is often not correct because moving the sensor head while leveling can temporarily change the robot's zeroing point. Re-PARKing and performing a second GOSUN will be more accurate. If the alignment seems accurate, and consistent on repetition, you can continue.

11. Press PW, increment to 1, press "Pass", press "PAR", and then place the instrument in AUTO mode.

The main AUTO mode display should read:


The Cimel should be left in this mode in order to perform automatic measurement sequences.


  + Privacy Policy and Important Notices NASA Curator: Ilya Slutsker
NASA Official: Pawan Gupta
Last Updated: April 24, 2009