Sky Color Protocol



Determine the color of the sky.



Three sampling times daily (in the morning, at approximately noon, in the afternoon)


What You Need

  • BSSN Hazemeter Datasheet
  • BSSN Sky Color Chart
  • Clinometer
  • 2 students


In the Field

  1. Stand with your back to the sun so that you are facing in the same direction as your shadow.
  2. Using the Clinometer, look through the straw and find a 45° angle from the ground. (Have a friend tell you when the clinometer is at 45°.)
  3. Hold the Sky Color Chart up and with both eyes open look at the Sky Color Chart with one eye while still looking through the straw with your other eye.
  4. Compare the color of the sky you see through the straw with the colors on the Sky Color Chart.
  5. Choose the color that most closely matches the color of the sky.
  6. Write the corresponding number on the Hazemeter Datasheet under “Sky Color.”
  7. If you do not see your shadow, mark the “No Shadow” box on the Datasheet.
  8. If there is a cloud in the way at the 45° degree angle, wait a few minutes and try to look for clear sky again .
  9. If there are still clouds in the way, mark the “Clouds” box on the Datasheet.




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