The downloaded space-delimited Hazemeter data can be imported into an Excel spreadsheet. The channel data do not have any value until processed by the computers at NASA. The following list describes the headers for the downloaded Hazemeter data:
Read# - Number of the reading
Chan1 - Maximum value recorded for the 880nm channel
Chan2 - Maximum value recorded for the 650nm channel
Chan3 - Maximum value recorded for the 500nm channel
Chan4 - Maximum value recorded for the 405nm channel
Min1 - Minimum value recorded for the 880nm channel
Min2 - Minimum value recorded for the 650nm channel
Min3 - Minimum value recorded for the 500nm channel
Min4- Minimum value recorded for the 405nm channel
BattmV - Battery voltage in millivolts for this reading
10TC - Current temperature in degrees Celsius multiplied by 10
Rng1 - N/A
N - N/A
Time - Time of reading in the following units: hours/minutes/seconds
Date - Date of reading in the following units: day/month/year