AERONET Web Data Service Help (Version 3)

AERONET Web Service:

The following tables and examples show how to use the AERONET web data service for Version 3 products.

Table 1: Explanation and Values for Mandatory and Optional Web Service Parameters

Mandatory Parameters Explanation Values
year,month,day Starting time moment (year= 1992 to present), (month=1 to 12), (day = 1 to max num, depends on month)

Year: 1993 to present (must be 4-digits)

Month: 1 to 12

Day: 1 to max_day_of_month

AVG Data Format

All points: AVG=10

Daily average: AVG=20

[data_type] Data Types (See Table 2) [data_type]=1
Optional Parameters    
year2,month2,day2 Ending time moment**

Year: 1993 to present (must be 4-digits)

Month: 1 to 12

Day: 1 to max_day_of_month

**if year2,month2, and day2 are omitted, then the current day is assumed

hour, hour2 Specified beginning (hour) and ending hour (hour2)

Hour: 0 to 23

if not specified, then the hour is set to zero; time2 is incremented to next day and hour2=0


AERONET site name

Exact match of AERONET database name

If none specified, then all sites are searched for data during the time interval specified

AERONET Site Name List

lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2 Bounding Box **

lat1,lon1 - Lower Left
lat2,lon2 - Upper Right

**values must be in decimal degrees (including the decimal)

lunar_merge Enable Lunar AOD (Provisional) Only Download

0 - No Lunar
1- Lunar Data (Provisional)

if_no_html Determine whether html formatting is printed 0 - HTML formatting printed (default)
1 - No HTML formatting printed

Table 2: Explanation of Data Types for the Web Service

Data Types Explanation
AOD10 Aerosol Optical Depth Level 1.0
AOD15 Aerosol Optical Depth Level 1.5
AOD20 Aerosol Optical Depth Level 2.0
SDA10 SDA Retrieval Level 1.0
SDA15 SDA Retrieval Level 1.5
SDA20 SDA Retrieval Level 2.0
TOT10 Total Optical Depth based on AOD Level 1.0 (all points only)
TOT15 Total Optical Depth based on AOD Level 1.5 (all points only)
TOT20 Total Optical Depth based on AOD Level 2.0 (all points only)


Level 1.0 data from the "Cart_Site" for AOD daily averages

Level 1.5 data from all sites with available data for all AOD points

Level 2.0 data from the "Cart_Site" for all AOD points

Level 2.0 data from the "Cart_Site" for all SDA points


Using Tools to Save Web Output as a File


wget --no-check-certificate  -q  -O test.out ""


curl -s -k -o test.out ""

Last Updated: 5 January 2018