R/V Akademik Fedorov belongs to the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute ( Saint Petersburg, Russia) of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of Russian Federation. The cruise started in November 2007 and ended in May 2008. The cruise area included an Atlantic transect from North Sea to Cape Town and then crossing into the South Atlantic to Antarctica, measurements in Antarctica, transect to Australia and back to and around Antarctica, crossing to Cape Town, back to Antarctica and a transect back from Southern Ocean to Baltic Sea and Saint Petersburg, Russia. Five hundred thirty five (535) measurement series spanning 95 days were acquired.
Dr. Sergey M. Sakerin from Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences ( Tomsk, Russia) was a Principal Investigator for aerosol optical measurements in collaboration with Dr. Vladimir F. Radionov (Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia). Dr. Svetlana Terpugova from Institute of Atmospheric Optics and Dr. Victor Polkin from same institution operated sunphotometer onboard and at the Antarctic station.
Terpugova, S.A., V.V. Polkin, S.M. Sakerin, D.M. Kabanov, B.N. Holben, I.A. Slutsker, A.V. Smirnov, and V.F. Radionov, Study of atmospheric aerosol and columnar water vapor in Antarctic region during 53 Russian Antarctic expedition in 2007-2008, European Aerosol Conference, Karlruhe, Germany, September 6-11, 2009 (Abstract T160A09).
Sakerin S.M., D.M.Kabanov, V.F.Radionov, I.A.Slutsker, A.V.Smirnov, S.A.Terpugova, and B.N.Holben, About investigation results on the atmosphere aerosol optical depth in circumnavigation around Antarctica (the 53d RAE), Atm.Ocean.Optics, 21(12), 900-904, 2008.
Sakerin, S.M., D.M.Kabanov, V.V.Polkin, A.V.Smirnov, I.A.Slutsker, B.N.Holben, and V.F.Radionov, Studies of aerosol optical thickness during the second stage of the 53d Russian Antarctic Expedition, XV Workshop “Siberian Aerosols”, Tomsk, Russia, November 25-28, 2008.
Sakerin, S.M., B.N.Holben, D.M.Kabanov, V.F.Radionov, I.A.Slutsker, A.V.Smirnov, and S.A.Terpugova, Preliminary results of measurements of atmospheric aerosol optical depth in the 53d Russian Antarctic expedition, XV Joint International Symposium Atmospheric and Ocean Optics, Atmospheric physics, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, June 22-29, 2008.