Around the Americas was a 25,000 mile sailing circumnavigation by S/V Ocean Watch (Captain and owner Mr. Mark Schrader) . The cruise took place from June 2009 through end of June 2010. The vessel passed through the Northwest Passage, sailed down the east coast, around Cape Horn and up the west coast of South and North America. One hundred forty-one (141) measurement series spanning 82 days were acquired during the cruise.
Drs. David Covert and Thomas Ackerman from Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington (Seattle, Washington) were Principal Investigators for optical depth measurements. Dr. Michael Reynolds from Remote Research & Measurement Co (Seattle, Washington) operated sun photometer onboard.
Adames, A. F., M. Reynolds, A. Smirnov, D. S. Covert, and T. P. Ackerman (2011), Comparison of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer ocean aerosol retrievals with ship-based Sun photometer measurements from the Around the Americas expedition, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D16303, doi:10.1029/2010JD015440.