The Astrolabe supply ship belongs to P&O Maritime services. This Ice Class, multipurpose support vessel is operated for the French Government’s Institut Polaire Francais Paul Emile Victor (IPEV) to supply the French polar base Dumont D'Urville (66°40'S - 140°01'E) and the Italian and French base Concordia (75°06'S - 123°21'E). Each year the ship transports staff and freight between Hobart (Tasmania) and Dumont D'Urville and operates in support of oceanographic research programs conducted by the French Polar Institute. Ninety-four (94) measurement series spanning 19 days were acquired during several legs starting in December 2009 and ending in February 2010.
Mr. Yann Courcoux from L'Observatoire de Physique de l'Atmosphère de la Réunion (OPAR) at the Université de la Réunion/ CNRS (Saint Denis de la Réunion, France) was a Principal Investigator for aerosol optical measurements. Mr. Pierre Sangiardi from French Polar Institute (IPEV) and Ms. Annie Kartavtseff from Laboratoire d'Océan, Climat, Exploitation et Application Numérique (LOCEAN), Université Pierre et Marie Curie, conducted measurements onboard.