R/V Marion-Dufresne belongs to French Polar Institute - IPEV (Institut Paul Emile Victor) and TAAF (Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises). The cruise took place from November to December 2008. The cruise area in the South Indian Ocean included the region between Reunion, Crozet, Kerguelen and Amsterdam Islands. One hundred thirty-four (134) measurement series spanning 33 days were acquired during the cruise.
Dr. Remi Losno from Laboratoire Inter-universitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques (LISA) at the University Paris7 (Paris, France) was a Principal Investigator for aerosol optical measurements. Mr. Sylvain Triquet assisted in the sunphotometer data acquisition.
Smirnov, A., B.N.Holben, I.Slutsker, D.M.Giles, N.T.O’Neill, T.F.Eck, P.Croot, A.Macke, S.M.Sakerin, G.Zibordi, R.Losno, J.Sciare, P.Goloub, F.Jourdin, F.Dulac, T.J.Smyth, M.Harvey, T.Zielinski, J.I.Goes, P.K.Quinn, N.B.Nelson, C.Duarte, R.Dunn, K.Voss, P. Schoessow, and S.Gulev, Maritime Aerosol Network as a component of AERONET – relevance to SOLAS, IMBER/SOLAS French meeting, Paris, France, June 22-23, 2009.