The Oceanographic R/V Sagar Kanya belongs to the National Centre of Antarctic and Ocean Research (NCAOR) of the Ministry of Earth Sciences, India. Data were collected within the framework of the W-ICARB (Winter Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, Gases, and Radiation Budget) Project under Indian Space Research Organization’s Geosphere Biosphere Programme (ISRO-GBP). The cruise #SK254 took place over the Bay of Bengal during December 2008 – January 2009 along the track shown below. Nine hundred sixty six (966) measurements series spanning thirty-five (35) days were acquired during the cruise.
Dr. C.B.S. Dutt from Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) was the Chief Scientist of the cruise. Dr. K. Krishna Moorthy from Space Physics Laboratory, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum, India is the Project Director of ICARB and Principal investigator for aerosol optical measurements. The measurement team included Dr. S. Suresh Babu, Mr. Vijayakumar S. Nair and Ms. S. Naseema Beegum.
Moorthy, K.K., S.N. Beegum, S.S. Babu, A. Smirnov, S.R. John, K.R. Kumar, K.Narasimhulu, C.B.S. Dutt,
and V.S. Nair, Optical and physical characteristics of Bay of Bengal aerosols during W ICARB: Spatial and vertical heterogeneities in the marine atmospheric boundary layer and in the vertical column, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D24213,
doi:10.1029/2010JD014094, 2010.