R/V Tangaroa (https://niwa.co.nz/services/vessels/niwa-vessels/rv-tangaroa ) belongs to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (Wellington, New Zealand). The cruise area in the South Pacific Ocean was South and East of New Zealand in sub-tropical and sub-Antarctic waters across the Chatham Rise sub-tropical frontal region. This voyage titled Sea 2 Cloud Voyage TAN2003 (The Sea 2 Cloud experiment PI is Dr Karine Sellegri, LaMP, Université de Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France) lead by Dr. Cliff Law took place in March 2020. The voyage objectives were to quantitatively and qualitatively investigate the link between marine particle emissions and the biogeochemical properties of the seawater in subantarctic and subtropical waters. Observations were made from ambient air, underway seawater and from the water and headspace of two on-board mesocosms (Air-Sea Ineration Tanks (ASITs)) with water volumes from selected locations incubated for several days.
Dr. Mike Harvey from National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (Wellington, New Zealand) was Principal Investigator for aerosol optical measurements and operated a sunphotometer onboard assisted by Dr. John McGregor. Nineteen (19) measurement series spanning seven (7) days (the voyage was shortened from the planned 26 days at sea due to the Covid-19 pandemic) were acquired during the cruise.