The cimel makes use of two batteries: an external 12V battery (the smaller of the two 12V batteries) and an internal (inside the control box) 5.0V battery. Both of these are charged by the smaller solar panel (typically a 5W panel) which is connected at the connector panel of the control box.
If the batteries are low:
- Verify the orientation of the solar panel. For maximizing the year-round power, the solar panel should be tilted toward the Equator at an inclination equal to the local latitude + 15 degrees
- Verify that the solar panel is clean. It should be rinsed regularly with clean water

5 Watt solar panel for Cimel
- Verify that the phone-type connector is undamaged and properly attached on the control panel where it is marked 'SP'
If only the 12V battery is low:
- Verify that the battery's green 3-pin connector is undamaged and properly attached to the connector panel
- Verify that the connectors have not loosened from the positive and negative terminals of the Cimel battery

Cimel external battery

Cimel internal battery (removed)