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List of K7 files submitted on 2004/NOV/16

Cimel 1 - 1 file(s) received, (26882 b) site : GSFC Error statuses
Cimel 64 - 1 file(s) received, (7479 b) site : DRAGON_SPBRK
Cimel 84 - 1 file(s) received, (9724 b) site : GSFC
Cimel 140 - 2 file(s) received, (52042 b) site : Paris Error statuses
Cimel 144 - 3 file(s) received, (80652 b) site : Carpentras Error statuses
Cimel 155 - 1 file(s) received, (32770 b) site : Nes_Ziona
Cimel 158 - 2 file(s) received, (53760 b) site : GSFC
Cimel 235 - 7 file(s) received, (188176 b) site : Chen-Kung_Univ
Cimel 242 - 1 file(s) received, (3718 b) site : Oostende Error statuses
Cimel 251 - 2 file(s) received, (65540 b) site : Chen-Kung_Univ Error statuses
Cimel 341 - 2 file(s) received, (18816 b) site : Andenes
Cimel 344 - 1 file(s) received, (27394 b) site : Pune
Cimel 347 - 1 file(s) received, (171850 b) site : Carpentras Error statuses

Cimel No 1 System location : GSFC

16:11:2004,12:15:10(UTC) (K7 Total: 26882) [K7 Coord :Lat = 24.783333 long = 80.345833 (65.5 km from Chitrakoot)] Data: sun(109) alm(147) pp1(56) blk(17) sta(95) stab(2) [file : 16Novv2004_Kanpur.k7]

Cimel No 64 System location : DRAGON_SPBRK

16:11:2004,13:42:17(UTC) (K7 Total: 7479) [K7 Coord :Yekaterinburg] Data: sun(28) alm(40) pp1(20) blk(5) sta(23) [file : ekb11161759.k7]

Cimel No 84 System location : GSFC

16:11:2004,18:46:10(UTC) (K7 Total: 9724) [K7 Coord :Windsor_B] Data: sun(17) alm(24) pp1(12) blk(3) sta(14) [file : cimel84_200411091445.k7]

Cimel No 140 System location : Paris

16:11:2004,15:55:11(UTC) (K7 Total: 26021) [K7 Coord :Lille] Data: sun(116) alm(96) pp1(48) blk(8) sta(300) stah(148) stab(43) [file : P140_11161314.k7]
16:11:2004,15:46:06(UTC) (K7 Total: 26021) [K7 Coord :Lille] Data: sun(116) alm(96) pp1(48) blk(8) sta(300) stah(148) stab(43) [file : P144_11161316.k7]

Cimel No 144 System location : Carpentras

16:11:2004,14:12:42(UTC) (K7 Total: 26884) [K7 Coord :Lille] Data: sun(131) alm(97) pp1(48) blk(12) ppp(12) sta(151) stah(32) stab(1) [file : P140_11161314.k7]
16:11:2004,13:08:21(UTC) (K7 Total: 26885) [K7 Coord :Lille] Data: sun(131) alm(97) pp1(48) blk(12) ppp(12) sta(151) stah(32) stab(1) [file : P140_11161314.k7]
16:11:2004,08:18:38(UTC) (K7 Total: 26883) [K7 Coord :Lille] Data: sun(109) alm(112) pp1(52) blk(14) ppp(14) sta(128) stah(32) stab(1) [file : P140_11151314.k7]

Cimel No 155 System location : Nes_Ziona

16:11:2004,10:22:33(UTC) (K7 Total: 32770) [K7 Coord :Moscow_MSU_MO] Data: sun(207) alm(72) pp1(36) blk(9) sta(242) stah(44) [file : 11160911.k7]

Cimel No 158 System location : GSFC

16:11:2004,18:45:48(UTC) (K7 Total: 26880) [K7 Coord :Windsor_B] Data: sun(111) alm(144) pp1(58) blk(18) sta(97) [file : cimel158_200411091333.k7]
16:11:2004,15:31:05(UTC) (K7 Total: 26880) [K7 Coord :Windsor_B] Data: sun(118) alm(138) pp1(56) blk(17) sta(119) stah(16) [file : cimel158_200411161238.k7]

Cimel No 235 System location : Chen-Kung_Univ

16:11:2004,09:04:53(UTC) (K7 Total: 26883) [K7 Coord :Lat = 25.116667 long = 121.529167 (10.1 km from Taipei_CWB)] Data: sun(139) alm(112) pp1(44) blk(14) sta(184) stah(56) [file : TPE11161421.k7]
16:11:2004,09:04:43(UTC) (K7 Total: 26883) [K7 Coord :Lat = 25.116667 long = 121.529167 (10.1 km from Taipei_CWB)] Data: sun(115) alm(131) pp1(56) blk(16) sta(144) stah(42) [file : TPE11141845.k7]
16:11:2004,09:04:28(UTC) (K7 Total: 26882) [K7 Coord :Lat = 25.116667 long = 121.529167 (10.1 km from Taipei_CWB)] Data: sun(115) alm(131) pp1(56) blk(16) sta(144) stah(42) [file : TPE11141833.k7]
16:11:2004,09:04:03(UTC) (K7 Total: 26881) [K7 Coord :Lat = 25.116667 long = 121.529167 (10.1 km from Taipei_CWB)] Data: sun(115) alm(131) pp1(56) blk(16) sta(144) stah(42) [file : TPE11141821.k7]
16:11:2004,09:03:54(UTC) (K7 Total: 26882) [K7 Coord :Lat = 25.116667 long = 121.529167 (10.1 km from Taipei_CWB)] Data: sun(112) alm(136) pp1(62) blk(18) sta(98) [file : TPE11111844.k7]
16:11:2004,09:03:44(UTC) (K7 Total: 26882) [K7 Coord :Lat = 25.116667 long = 121.529167 (10.1 km from Taipei_CWB)] Data: sun(112) alm(136) pp1(62) blk(18) sta(98) [file : TPE11111832.k7]
16:11:2004,09:03:31(UTC) (K7 Total: 26883) [K7 Coord :Lat = 25.116667 long = 121.529167 (10.1 km from Taipei_CWB)] Data: sun(112) alm(136) pp1(62) blk(18) sta(98) [file : TPE11111821.k7]

Cimel No 242 System location : Oostende

16:11:2004,08:24:28(UTC) (K7 Total: 3718) [K7 Coord :Lille] Data: sun(26) alm(8) pp1(4) blk(1) sta(31) stab(2) stap(1) [file : 15112004.k7]

Cimel No 251 System location : Chen-Kung_Univ

16:11:2004,07:11:12(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :Chen-Kung_Univ] Data: sun(135) alm(126) pp1(46) blk(12) sta(167) stah(32) stab(15) stap(1) [file : 11141653.k7]
16:11:2004,07:11:02(UTC) (K7 Total: 32769) [K7 Coord :Chen-Kung_Univ] Data: sun(149) alm(102) pp1(50) blk(14) sta(166) stah(19) stab(8) stap(1) [file : 11131739.k7]

Cimel No 341 System location : Andenes

16:11:2004,13:08:47(UTC) (K7 Total: 9608) [K7 Coord :Lille] Data: sun(64) alm(25) pp1(12) blk(3) sta(120) stah(58) [file : P341_11161306.k7]
16:11:2004,08:25:57(UTC) (K7 Total: 9208) [K7 Coord :Lille] Data: sun(59) alm(25) pp1(12) blk(3) sta(115) stah(58) [file : P341_11151801.k7]

Cimel No 344 System location : Pune

16:11:2004,03:44:54(UTC) (K7 Total: 27394) [K7 Coord :Lat = 18.533333 long = 74.500000 (73.3 km from Pune)] Data: sun(98) alm(144) pp1(56) blk(9) ppp(14) sta(96) stah(10) [file : P344_11140617.k7]

Cimel No 347 System location : Carpentras

16:11:2004,11:27:03(UTC) (K7 Total: 171850) [K7 Coord :Carpentras] Data: sun(584) alm(1056) pp1(402) blk(67) sta(617) stah(101) stas(1) stab(1) [file : P347_16112004.k7]

  + Privacy Policy and Important Notices NASA Curator: David M. Giles
NASA Official: Brent N. Holben
Generated: 31/05/2011