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List of K7 files submitted on 2006/FEB/10

Cimel 13 - 1 file(s) received, (40867 b) site : GSFC Error statuses
Cimel 19 - 1 file(s) received, (2295 b) site : IMAA_Potenza
Cimel 27 - 2 file(s) received, (65543 b) site : GSFC
Cimel 52 - 1 file(s) received, (26884 b) site : Bonanza_Creek Error statuses
Cimel 58 - 1 file(s) received, (7491 b) site : GSFC Error statuses
Cimel 105 - 1 file(s) received, (32770 b) site : NCU_Taiwan Error statuses
Cimel 156 - 1 file(s) received, (32771 b) site : GSFC
Cimel 193 - 1 file(s) received, (215446 b) site : Xanthi Error statuses
Cimel 302 - 41 file(s) received, (578007 b) site : MCO-Hanimaadhoo
Cimel 305 - 1 file(s) received, (9187 b) site : CUIABA-MIRANDA
Cimel 336 - 1 file(s) received, (15989 b) site : Chilbolton Error statuses
Cimel 352 - 1 file(s) received, (318307 b) site : Izana Error statuses
Cimel 354 - 1 file(s) received, (32773 b) site : Carpentras Error statuses

Cimel No 13 System location : GSFC

10:02:2006,16:46:02(UTC) (K7 Total: 40867) [K7 Coord :GSFC] Data: sun(116) alm(228) pp1(84) sky2(130) blk(24) sta(102) stab(1) [file : 20060210164601_13.k7]

Cimel No 19 System location : IMAA_Potenza

10:02:2006,19:30:29(UTC) (K7 Total: 2295) [K7 Coord :IMAA_Potenza] Data: sun(16) sta(58) stah(42) [file : 20060210183000_19.k7]

Cimel No 27 System location : GSFC

10:02:2006,08:44:07(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(28) alm(40) pp1(20) blk(6) sta(23) [file : 02101524.k7]
10:02:2006,05:41:38(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(33) alm(48) pp1(16) blk(6) sta(28) [file : 02100941.k7]

Cimel No 52 System location : Bonanza_Creek

10:02:2006,18:27:20(UTC) (K7 Total: 26884) [K7 Coord :USDA] Data: sun(112) alm(149) pp1(51) blk(17) sta(99) stas(1) [file : 0210_52.k7]

Cimel No 58 System location : GSFC

10:02:2006,21:03:04(UTC) (K7 Total: 7491) [K7 Coord :COVE] Data: sun(46) sta(214) stab(168) [file : 20060210210301_58.k7]

Cimel No 105 System location : NCU_Taiwan

10:02:2006,01:33:04(UTC) (K7 Total: 32770) [K7 Coord :NCU_Taiwan] Data: sun(64) alm(8) pp1(12) blk(3) ppp(3) sta(93) stab(30) [file : 20060209.k7]

Cimel No 156 System location : GSFC

10:02:2006,08:23:44(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :Moscow_MSU_MO] Data: sun(109) alm(142) pp1(68) blk(17) sta(92) [file : 02100908.k7]

Cimel No 193 System location : Xanthi

10:02:2006,08:24:50(UTC) (K7 Total: 215446) [K7 Coord :Thessaloniki] Data: sun(936) alm(1106) pp1(444) blk(136) sta(1087) stah(256) stab(4) [file : 20060116to20060208.k7]

Cimel No 302 System location : MCO-Hanimaadhoo

10:02:2006,00:01:16(UTC) (K7 Total: 14763) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(74) alm(80) pp1(24) blk(6) sta(90) stah(25) [file : 20060209235919_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:01:14(UTC) (K7 Total: 13791) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(67) alm(64) pp1(28) blk(6) sta(105) stah(46) [file : 20060208000042_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:01:12(UTC) (K7 Total: 20291) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(91) alm(104) pp1(48) blk(11) sta(109) stah(30) [file : 20060206041352_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:01:10(UTC) (K7 Total: 20611) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(102) alm(104) pp1(48) blk(10) sta(90) [file : 20060203002641_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:01:08(UTC) (K7 Total: 16547) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(90) alm(72) pp1(36) blk(8) sta(102) stah(21) [file : 20060201235721_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:01:06(UTC) (K7 Total: 9121) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(60) alm(24) pp1(8) blk(2) sta(143) stah(85) [file : 20060131015200_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:01:04(UTC) (K7 Total: 22425) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(98) alm(128) pp1(52) blk(10) sta(85) [file : 20060125234858_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:01:02(UTC) (K7 Total: 24445) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(99) alm(144) pp1(60) blk(12) sta(84) [file : 20060124234653_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:01:00(UTC) (K7 Total: 22523) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(94) alm(128) pp1(56) blk(13) sta(80) [file : 20060123234149_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:58(UTC) (K7 Total: 23295) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(96) alm(136) pp1(56) blk(14) sta(82) [file : 20060122224215_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:56(UTC) (K7 Total: 19793) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(96) alm(104) pp1(44) blk(11) sta(85) [file : 20060120013027_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:54(UTC) (K7 Total: 11753) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(88) alm(40) pp1(16) blk(4) sta(83) [file : 20060117235235_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:52(UTC) (K7 Total: 13897) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(82) alm(56) pp1(28) blk(7) sta(91) stah(16) [file : 20060115233324_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:50(UTC) (K7 Total: 21089) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(83) alm(120) pp1(52) blk(13) sta(92) stah(21) [file : 20060111233907_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:48(UTC) (K7 Total: 18247) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(87) alm(96) pp1(40) blk(10) sta(85) stah(7) [file : 20060110234653_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:46(UTC) (K7 Total: 19665) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(87) alm(112) pp1(44) blk(11) sta(76) [file : 20060108233836_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:44(UTC) (K7 Total: 13395) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(89) alm(56) pp1(20) blk(5) sta(83) [file : 20060105234746_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:42(UTC) (K7 Total: 13367) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(81) alm(56) pp1(24) blk(6) sta(87) stah(12) [file : 20060102232226_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:40(UTC) (K7 Total: 20933) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(86) alm(120) pp1(52) blk(13) sta(73) [file : 20051228235735_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:38(UTC) (K7 Total: 6467) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(74) sta(90) stah(15) [file : 20051225234045_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:36(UTC) (K7 Total: 5227) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(45) sta(121) stah(76) [file : 20051216002732_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:35(UTC) (K7 Total: 5651) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(62) sta(86) stah(24) [file : 20051215010901_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:34(UTC) (K7 Total: 2159) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(8) sta(78) stah(70) [file : 20051208001016_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:32(UTC) (K7 Total: 6371) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(71) sta(95) stah(24) [file : 20051205000622_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:31(UTC) (K7 Total: 6489) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(70) sta(105) stah(31) stab(4) [file : 20051201050841_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:29(UTC) (K7 Total: 8907) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(78) alm(16) pp1(8) blk(2) sta(102) stah(19) stab(7) [file : 20051129012954_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:28(UTC) (K7 Total: 8569) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(74) alm(16) pp1(8) blk(2) sta(97) stah(24) [file : 20051127232839_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:26(UTC) (K7 Total: 17631) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(91) alm(96) pp1(32) blk(8) sta(81) [file : 20051123234811_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:20(UTC) (K7 Total: 21033) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(94) alm(112) pp1(52) blk(12) sta(85) stah(4) [file : 20051122235053_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:18(UTC) (K7 Total: 22735) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(94) alm(128) pp1(56) blk(11) sta(94) stah(14) [file : 20051122000251_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:16(UTC) (K7 Total: 25567) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(98) alm(152) pp1(64) blk(12) sta(96) stah(14) [file : 20051121004107_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:14(UTC) (K7 Total: 24129) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(100) alm(144) pp1(56) blk(11) sta(85) [file : 20051118065912_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:12(UTC) (K7 Total: 10467) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(68) alm(37) pp1(16) blk(2) sta(95) stah(30) stab(1) [file : 20051103235351_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:10(UTC) (K7 Total: 10867) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(75) alm(29) pp1(16) blk(2) sta(126) stah(54) [file : 20051103015050_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:09(UTC) (K7 Total: 9375) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(80) alm(18) pp1(8) blk(1) sta(114) stah(35) [file : 20051102052228_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:07(UTC) (K7 Total: 7975) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(85) alm(8) sta(103) stah(17) [file : 20051101013628_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:06(UTC) (K7 Total: 7075) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(78) sta(110) stah(32) [file : 20051025233836_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:04(UTC) (K7 Total: 7959) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(94) sta(104) stah(10) [file : 20051024070349_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:03(UTC) (K7 Total: 7305) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(82) sta(109) stah(26) [file : 20051020235958_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:02(UTC) (K7 Total: 8079) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(91) sta(121) stah(29) [file : 20051020000442_302.k7]
10:02:2006,00:00:00(UTC) (K7 Total: 8019) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(97) sta(97) [file : 20051017223259_302.k7]

Cimel No 305 System location : CUIABA-MIRANDA

10:02:2006,10:42:37(UTC) (K7 Total: 9187) [K7 Coord :Toravere] Data: sun(51) alm(40) pp1(20) blk(5) sta(46) [file : F08-090206.k7]

Cimel No 336 System location : Chilbolton

10:02:2006,15:09:26(UTC) (K7 Total: 15989) [K7 Coord :Chilbolton] Data: sun(72) alm(80) pp1(40) blk(10) sta(77) stab(15) [file : chilbolton_336_20060209-20060210.k7]

Cimel No 352 System location : Izana

10:02:2006,17:12:23(UTC) (K7 Total: 318307) [K7 Coord :Izana] Data: sun(1136) alm(2005) pp1(545) blk(75) sta(1827) stah(316) stas(31) stab(481) [file : P352_09022006.k7]

Cimel No 354 System location : Carpentras

10:02:2006,17:22:53(UTC) (K7 Total: 32773) [K7 Coord :Carpentras] Data: sun(119) alm(160) pp1(60) blk(15) sta(106) stab(2) [file : p354_09022006.k7]

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NASA Official: Brent N. Holben
Generated: 31/05/2011