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List of K7 files submitted on 2006/JUL/19

Cimel 2 - 1 file(s) received, (26884 b) site : Ussuriysk
Cimel 10 - 1 file(s) received, (29081 b) site : Nainital
Cimel 18 - 1 file(s) received, (261186 b) site : Granada Error statuses
Cimel 28 - 2 file(s) received, (47567 b) site : La_Parguera
Cimel 30 - 1 file(s) received, (32770 b) site : GSFC Error statuses
Cimel 36 - 1 file(s) received, (95164 b) site : GSFC
Cimel 58 - 1 file(s) received, (50217 b) site : GSFC
Cimel 70 - 1 file(s) received, (2437 b) site : Guadeloup Error statuses
Cimel 120 - 1 file(s) received, (219277 b) site : Helgoland Error statuses
Cimel 127 - 64 file(s) received, (2053306 b) site : DRAGON_Aldino
Cimel 131 - 1 file(s) received, (27396 b) site : Zvenigorod
Cimel 169 - 3 file(s) received, (80653 b) site : GSFC
Cimel 193 - 1 file(s) received, (52759 b) site : Xanthi
Cimel 317 - 1 file(s) received, (27396 b) site : Rio_Branco
Cimel 336 - 1 file(s) received, (32779 b) site : Chilbolton
Cimel 343 - 2 file(s) received, (15701 b) site : Messina
Cimel 352 - 1 file(s) received, (13900 b) site : Izana
Cimel 353 - 1 file(s) received, (27395 b) site : La_Laguna
Cimel 369 - 1 file(s) received, (17841 b) site : Lanzhou_City
Cimel 370 - 1 file(s) received, (36903 b) site : Ascension_Island
Cimel 383 - 1 file(s) received, (27396 b) site : Autilla Error statuses
Cimel 416 - 1 file(s) received, (27393 b) site : Autilla
Cimel 422 - 1 file(s) received, (27395 b) site : Autilla

Cimel No 2 System location : Ussuriysk

19:07:2006,13:10:20(UTC) (K7 Total: 26884) [K7 Coord :USDA] Data: sun(111) alm(129) pp1(60) blk(24) sta(103) [file : Aeronet_02.k7]

Cimel No 10 System location : Nainital

19:07:2006,23:47:00(UTC) (K7 Total: 29081) [K7 Coord :USDA] Data: sun(144) alm(120) pp1(88) blk(12) sta(139) stah(2) [file : 20060719234659_10.k7]

Cimel No 18 System location : Granada

19:07:2006,07:57:41(UTC) (K7 Total: 261186) [K7 Coord :Granada] Data: sun(1111) alm(1269) pp1(516) blk(193) sta(1767) stah(1) stas(355) stab(60) [file : Instrument_Granada_22.k7]

Cimel No 28 System location : La_Parguera

19:07:2006,08:33:05(UTC) (K7 Total: 24553) [K7 Coord :Sevastopol] Data: sun(135) alm(96) pp1(64) blk(8) sta(147) stah(16) [file : sev_260606.k7]
19:07:2006,08:28:28(UTC) (K7 Total: 23014) [K7 Coord :Sevastopol] Data: sun(139) alm(104) pp1(40) blk(10) sta(138) stab(4) [file : sev_180706.k7]

Cimel No 30 System location : GSFC

19:07:2006,06:05:46(UTC) (K7 Total: 32770) [K7 Coord :Moscow_MSU_MO] Data: sun(122) alm(128) pp1(52) blk(20) sta(129) stah(15) stab(1) [file : 07120957.k7]

Cimel No 36 System location : GSFC

19:07:2006,03:35:36(UTC) (K7 Total: 95164) [K7 Coord :Tomsk] Data: sun(464) alm(448) pp1(172) blk(70) sta(442) stah(6) [file : tmsk05_07-17_07_2006#36.k7]

Cimel No 58 System location : GSFC

19:07:2006,20:03:22(UTC) (K7 Total: 50217) [K7 Coord :COVE] Data: sun(194) alm(128) pp1(84) blk(12) prs(376) sta(187) [file : 20060719200300_58.k7]

Cimel No 70 System location : Guadeloup

19:07:2006,20:03:51(UTC) (K7 Total: 2437) [K7 Coord :Lat = 16.416667 long = -60.995833 (54.6 km from Guadeloup)] Data: sta(121) stab(121) [file : 20060719210007_70.k7]

Cimel No 120 System location : Helgoland

19:07:2006,12:28:09(UTC) (K7 Total: 219277) [K7 Coord :Helgoland] Data: sun(774) alm(765) pp1(391) blk(125) sta(3678) stah(2707) stas(9) stab(253) [file : Merging060719.k7]

Cimel No 127 System location : DRAGON_Aldino

19:07:2006,09:47:14(UTC) (K7 Total: 32770) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191738.k7]
19:07:2006,09:46:52(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191729.k7]
19:07:2006,09:28:43(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191719.k7]
19:07:2006,09:28:30(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191706.k7]
19:07:2006,09:28:17(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191651.k7]
19:07:2006,09:28:03(UTC) (K7 Total: 32770) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191619.k7]
19:07:2006,09:27:47(UTC) (K7 Total: 32770) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191604.k7]
19:07:2006,09:27:33(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191549.k7]
19:07:2006,07:41:53(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191534.k7]
19:07:2006,07:41:08(UTC) (K7 Total: 32770) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191519.k7]
19:07:2006,07:40:14(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191512.k7]
19:07:2006,07:38:54(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191449.k7]
19:07:2006,07:38:29(UTC) (K7 Total: 32770) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191434.k7]
19:07:2006,07:37:59(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191419.k7]
19:07:2006,07:37:35(UTC) (K7 Total: 32770) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191404.k7]
19:07:2006,07:37:14(UTC) (K7 Total: 32770) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191350.k7]
19:07:2006,07:36:46(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191334.k7]
19:07:2006,07:36:23(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191319.k7]
19:07:2006,07:36:02(UTC) (K7 Total: 32770) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191304.k7]
19:07:2006,07:35:43(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191250.k7]
19:07:2006,07:35:23(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191234.k7]
19:07:2006,07:35:04(UTC) (K7 Total: 32769) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191219.k7]
19:07:2006,07:34:44(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191204.k7]
19:07:2006,07:34:12(UTC) (K7 Total: 32770) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(1) pp1(1) blk(1) sta(1) [file : 07191135.k7]
19:07:2006,07:33:50(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) pp1(6) blk(1) sta(2) [file : 07191124.k7]
19:07:2006,06:37:56(UTC) (K7 Total: 16035) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191104.k7]
19:07:2006,06:35:24(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191049.k7]
19:07:2006,06:34:40(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191035.k7]
19:07:2006,03:12:15(UTC) (K7 Total: 32770) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191019.k7]
19:07:2006,03:11:49(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191005.k7]
19:07:2006,02:57:09(UTC) (K7 Total: 5459) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07191005.k7]
19:07:2006,02:51:53(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190949.k7]
19:07:2006,02:51:16(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190934.k7]
19:07:2006,02:50:28(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(1) sta(1) [file : 07190922.k7]
19:07:2006,02:48:57(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190920.k7]
19:07:2006,02:48:28(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190904.k7]
19:07:2006,02:47:39(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190834.k7]
19:07:2006,02:46:59(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190819.k7]
19:07:2006,02:46:12(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190733.k7]
19:07:2006,02:44:31(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190748.k7]
19:07:2006,00:13:12(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190748.k7]
19:07:2006,00:13:01(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190733.k7]
19:07:2006,00:12:50(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190720.k7]
19:07:2006,00:12:34(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190709.k7]
19:07:2006,00:12:23(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190700.k7]
19:07:2006,00:12:11(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190653.k7]
19:07:2006,00:11:58(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190646.k7]
19:07:2006,00:11:48(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190640.k7]
19:07:2006,00:11:38(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190635.k7]
19:07:2006,00:11:27(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190630.k7]
19:07:2006,00:11:17(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190626.k7]
19:07:2006,00:11:07(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190617.k7]
19:07:2006,00:10:56(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190610.k7]
19:07:2006,00:10:45(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190604.k7]
19:07:2006,00:10:32(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190559.k7]
19:07:2006,00:10:21(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190555.k7]
19:07:2006,00:10:10(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07190552.k7]
19:07:2006,00:09:52(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07181848.k7]
19:07:2006,00:09:37(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07181844.k7]
19:07:2006,00:09:27(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07181840.k7]
19:07:2006,00:09:09(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07181835.k7]
19:07:2006,00:08:58(UTC) (K7 Total: 32771) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07181829.k7]
19:07:2006,00:08:46(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07181822.k7]
19:07:2006,00:08:33(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(2) sta(2) [file : 07181813.k7]

Cimel No 131 System location : Zvenigorod

19:07:2006,13:10:30(UTC) (K7 Total: 27396) [K7 Coord :USDA] Data: sun(89) alm(132) pp1(96) blk(8) sta(83) [file : Aeronet_131.k7]

Cimel No 169 System location : GSFC

19:07:2006,07:33:58(UTC) (K7 Total: 26885) [K7 Coord :Toravere] Data: sun(107) alm(148) pp1(56) blk(22) sta(96) [file : 07171607.k7]
19:07:2006,07:33:42(UTC) (K7 Total: 26884) [K7 Coord :Toravere] Data: sun(123) alm(130) pp1(52) blk(21) sta(114) [file : 07151605.k7]
19:07:2006,07:33:21(UTC) (K7 Total: 26884) [K7 Coord :Toravere] Data: sun(106) alm(142) pp1(60) blk(23) sta(96) [file : 07131603.k7]

Cimel No 193 System location : Xanthi

19:07:2006,09:10:05(UTC) (K7 Total: 52759) [K7 Coord :Thessaloniki] Data: sun(224) alm(256) pp1(120) blk(45) sta(207) [file : scout20060716to20060718.k7]

Cimel No 317 System location : Rio_Branco

19:07:2006,13:10:38(UTC) (K7 Total: 27396) [K7 Coord :USDA] Data: sun(123) alm(152) pp1(64) blk(4) sta(115) [file : Aeronet_317.k7]

Cimel No 336 System location : Chilbolton

19:07:2006,15:01:11(UTC) (K7 Total: 32779) [K7 Coord :Chilbolton] Data: sun(145) alm(192) pp1(72) blk(8) sta(133) [file : 20060719150106_336.k7]

Cimel No 343 System location : Messina

19:07:2006,16:20:09(UTC) (K7 Total: 10404) [K7 Coord :Lille] Data: sun(34) alm(41) pp1(28) blk(4) ppp(7) sta(31) [file : P343_07191718.k7]
19:07:2006,12:49:23(UTC) (K7 Total: 5297) [K7 Coord :Lille] Data: sun(15) alm(25) pp1(12) blk(2) ppp(3) sta(14) [file : P343_07191308.k7]

Cimel No 352 System location : Izana

19:07:2006,11:02:03(UTC) (K7 Total: 13900) [K7 Coord :El_Arenosillo] Data: sun(68) alm(60) pp1(30) blk(4) sta(69) stah(4) [file : p352_07191011.k7]

Cimel No 353 System location : La_Laguna

19:07:2006,11:02:11(UTC) (K7 Total: 27395) [K7 Coord :El_Arenosillo] Data: sun(121) alm(109) pp1(78) blk(11) sta(140) stah(24) [file : p353_07191016.k7]

Cimel No 369 System location : Lanzhou_City

19:07:2006,15:05:30(UTC) (K7 Total: 17841) [K7 Coord :USDA] Data: sun(75) alm(82) pp1(36) blk(3) ppp(9) sta(72) stah(1) stap(1) [file : gd071906_369.k7]

Cimel No 370 System location : Ascension_Island

19:07:2006,12:16:39(UTC) (K7 Total: 36903) [K7 Coord :La_Paz] Data: sun(113) alm(240) pp1(90) blk(14) sta(99) [file : 20060719121650_370.k7]

Cimel No 383 System location : Autilla

19:07:2006,11:02:18(UTC) (K7 Total: 27396) [K7 Coord :El_Arenosillo] Data: sun(155) alm(109) pp1(64) blk(9) sta(178) stah(17) stas(4) stab(4) stap(1) [file : p383_07191016.k7]

Cimel No 416 System location : Autilla

19:07:2006,11:02:29(UTC) (K7 Total: 27393) [K7 Coord :El_Arenosillo] Data: sun(151) alm(112) pp1(68) blk(11) sta(156) stah(11) [file : p416_07191016.k7]

Cimel No 422 System location : Autilla

19:07:2006,11:02:36(UTC) (K7 Total: 27395) [K7 Coord :El_Arenosillo] Data: sun(155) alm(72) pp1(56) blk(11) ppp(14) sta(184) stah(32) [file : p422_07191016.k7]

  + Privacy Policy and Important Notices NASA Curator: David M. Giles
NASA Official: Brent N. Holben
Generated: 31/05/2011