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List of K7 files submitted on 2007/JUL/03

Cimel 4 - 1 file(s) received, (27394 b) site : Tomsk_22 Error statuses
Cimel 9 - 1 file(s) received, (6946 b) site : Bach_Long_Vy Error statuses
Cimel 10 - 1 file(s) received, (211805 b) site : Nainital Error statuses
Cimel 22 - 1 file(s) received, (44171 b) site : Singapore
Cimel 64 - 2 file(s) received, (65540 b) site : DRAGON_SPBRK Error statuses
Cimel 70 - 1 file(s) received, (29969 b) site : Guadeloup Error statuses
Cimel 93 - 2 file(s) received, (208975 b) site : SANTA_CRUZ
Cimel 99 - 1 file(s) received, (145331 b) site : GSFC
Cimel 105 - 1 file(s) received, (32772 b) site : NCU_Taiwan Error statuses
Cimel 146 - 12 file(s) received, (217604 b) site : Thompson_Farm Error statuses
Cimel 159 - 1 file(s) received, (26881 b) site : DRAGON_OLNES
Cimel 198 - 1 file(s) received, (8581 b) site : Munich_University
Cimel 200 - 2 file(s) received, (19836 b) site : Mexico_City
Cimel 243 - 1 file(s) received, (20861 b) site : Palencia
Cimel 252 - 1 file(s) received, (55341 b) site : Barrow
Cimel 257 - 22 file(s) received, (599168 b) site : Lulin Error statuses
Cimel 258 - 1 file(s) received, (22109 b) site : EPA-NCU Error statuses
Cimel 301 - 1 file(s) received, (15961 b) site : Arica
Cimel 336 - 1 file(s) received, (12453 b) site : Chilbolton Error statuses
Cimel 353 - 2 file(s) received, (20662 b) site : La_Laguna
Cimel 361 - 1 file(s) received, (28941 b) site : Harvard_Forest
Cimel 369 - 1 file(s) received, (9471 b) site : Lanzhou_City
Cimel 373 - 1 file(s) received, (44977 b) site : Univ_of_Houston
Cimel 402 - 1 file(s) received, (29007 b) site : Nauru Error statuses
Cimel 427 - 1 file(s) received, (34991 b) site : Toronto

Cimel No 4 System location : Tomsk_22

03:07:2007,19:13:10(UTC) (K7 Total: 27394) [K7 Coord :Arica] Data: sun(179) alm(112) pp1(46) blk(10) sta(173) stab(6) [file : arica0407031511.k7]

Cimel No 9 System location : Bach_Long_Vy

03:07:2007,10:29:40(UTC) (K7 Total: 6946) [K7 Coord :Karachi] Data: sun(35) alm(24) pp1(4) blk(2) sta(125) stah(9) stas(15) stab(53) [file : 07031510.k7]

Cimel No 10 System location : Nainital

03:07:2007,00:49:55(UTC) (K7 Total: 211805) [K7 Coord :Monterey] Data: sun(987) alm(824) pp1(622) blk(109) sta(1596) stah(640) stab(13) stap(2) [file : 0701.k7]

Cimel No 22 System location : Singapore

03:07:2007,08:00:04(UTC) (K7 Total: 44171) [K7 Coord :Singapore] Data: sun(200) alm(216) pp1(84) blk(36) sta(188) [file : 20070703080000_22.k7]

Cimel No 64 System location : DRAGON_SPBRK

03:07:2007,05:38:02(UTC) (K7 Total: 32770) [K7 Coord :Moscow_MSU_MO] Data: sun(127) alm(120) pp1(52) blk(19) sta(135) stah(10) stab(6) [file : 06271632.k7]
03:07:2007,05:37:55(UTC) (K7 Total: 32770) [K7 Coord :Moscow_MSU_MO] Data: sun(110) alm(144) pp1(52) blk(22) sta(111) stah(7) stab(2) [file : 06261631.k7]

Cimel No 70 System location : Guadeloup

03:07:2007,20:32:28(UTC) (K7 Total: 29969) [K7 Coord :Lat = 16.416667 long = -60.995833 (54.6 km from Guadeloup)] Data: sun(113) alm(112) pp1(47) sky2(60) blk(24) ppp(11) sta(113) stab(8) [file : 20070703213000_70.k7]

Cimel No 93 System location : SANTA_CRUZ

03:07:2007,10:00:17(UTC) (K7 Total: 161084) [K7 Coord :Yekaterinburg] Data: sun(771) alm(726) pp1(272) blk(106) sta(1203) stah(457) stab(22) stap(1) [file : ekb0703.k7]
03:07:2007,09:49:28(UTC) (K7 Total: 47891) [K7 Coord :Yekaterinburg] Data: sun(251) alm(194) pp1(60) blk(27) sta(452) stah(208) stap(1) [file : ekb0703.k7]

Cimel No 99 System location : GSFC

03:07:2007,23:30:04(UTC) (K7 Total: 145331) [K7 Coord :CART_SITE] Data: sun(306) alm(156) pp1(90) sky2(2197) blk(226) sta(801) stah(502) [file : 20070703232959_99.k7]

Cimel No 105 System location : NCU_Taiwan

03:07:2007,09:24:29(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :NCU_Taiwan] Data: sun(119) alm(56) pp1(68) blk(17) sta(151) stab(35) [file : 20070703.k7]

Cimel No 146 System location : Thompson_Farm

03:07:2007,22:02:32(UTC) (K7 Total: 21081) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(124) alm(56) pp1(64) blk(11) sta(153) stab(33) [file : 20070703220001_146.k7]
03:07:2007,20:02:31(UTC) (K7 Total: 19879) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(124) alm(48) pp1(56) blk(10) sta(162) stab(41) [file : 20070703200002_146.k7]
03:07:2007,18:02:59(UTC) (K7 Total: 19547) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(123) alm(48) pp1(52) blk(9) sta(169) stab(49) [file : 20070703180023_146.k7]
03:07:2007,16:02:27(UTC) (K7 Total: 18917) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(123) alm(48) pp1(44) blk(7) sta(178) stab(58) [file : 20070703160001_146.k7]
03:07:2007,14:02:28(UTC) (K7 Total: 18313) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(124) alm(48) pp1(36) blk(5) sta(185) stab(64) [file : 20070703140002_146.k7]
03:07:2007,12:02:25(UTC) (K7 Total: 17033) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(123) alm(40) pp1(28) blk(5) sta(192) stab(72) [file : 20070703120001_146.k7]
03:07:2007,10:02:23(UTC) (K7 Total: 17127) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(119) alm(40) pp1(28) blk(5) sta(211) stah(17) stab(78) [file : 20070703100001_146.k7]
03:07:2007,08:02:12(UTC) (K7 Total: 17127) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(119) alm(40) pp1(28) blk(5) sta(211) stah(17) stab(78) [file : 20070703080000_146.k7]
03:07:2007,06:01:54(UTC) (K7 Total: 17127) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(119) alm(40) pp1(28) blk(5) sta(211) stah(17) stab(78) [file : 20070703060001_146.k7]
03:07:2007,04:01:35(UTC) (K7 Total: 17127) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(119) alm(40) pp1(28) blk(5) sta(211) stah(17) stab(78) [file : 20070703040001_146.k7]
03:07:2007,02:01:17(UTC) (K7 Total: 17127) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(119) alm(40) pp1(28) blk(5) sta(211) stah(17) stab(78) [file : 20070703020002_146.k7]
03:07:2007,00:00:57(UTC) (K7 Total: 17199) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(119) alm(40) pp1(28) blk(5) sta(215) stah(17) stab(82) [file : 20070703000001_146.k7]

Cimel No 159 System location : DRAGON_OLNES

03:07:2007,19:07:44(UTC) (K7 Total: 26881) [K7 Coord :CEILAP-BA] Data: sun(120) alm(136) pp1(56) blk(18) sta(106) [file : BA070703.k7]

Cimel No 198 System location : Munich_University

03:07:2007,11:31:14(UTC) (K7 Total: 8581) [K7 Coord :Munich_University] Data: sun(37) alm(50) pp1(5) blk(4) sta(58) stah(22) stap(1) [file : 20070703112959_198.k7]

Cimel No 200 System location : Mexico_City

03:07:2007,19:00:44(UTC) (K7 Total: 8604) [K7 Coord :Mexico_City] Data: sun(52) alm(24) pp1(16) blk(4) sta(68) stah(19) stap(1) [file : 200_CU07021616.k7]
03:07:2007,19:00:33(UTC) (K7 Total: 11232) [K7 Coord :Mexico_City] Data: sun(62) alm(40) pp1(20) blk(8) sta(68) stah(8) [file : 200_CU07011617.k7]

Cimel No 243 System location : Palencia

03:07:2007,07:25:55(UTC) (K7 Total: 20861) [K7 Coord :Palencia] Data: sun(74) alm(80) pp1(44) blk(17) ppp(11) sta(70) [file : P243_070702_070703.k7]

Cimel No 252 System location : Barrow

03:07:2007,23:29:34(UTC) (K7 Total: 55341) [K7 Coord :Barrow] Data: sun(145) alm(216) pp1(108) sky2(390) blk(51) sta(132) stap(1) [file : 20070703232904_252.k7]

Cimel No 257 System location : Lulin

03:07:2007,07:14:22(UTC) (K7 Total: 27397) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(181) alm(57) sta(526) stah(344) stab(2) [file : Lulin06101242.k7]
03:07:2007,07:14:17(UTC) (K7 Total: 26566) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(147) alm(14) sta(799) stah(583) stas(32) stab(37) [file : Lulin06141244.k7]
03:07:2007,07:14:12(UTC) (K7 Total: 26024) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(112) alm(12) sta(921) stah(623) stas(92) stab(94) stap(1) [file : Lulin06161245.k7]
03:07:2007,07:14:07(UTC) (K7 Total: 26116) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(106) alm(24) pp1(6) blk(1) sta(869) stah(576) stas(92) stab(94) stap(2) [file : Lulin06171245.k7]
03:07:2007,07:13:56(UTC) (K7 Total: 27329) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(157) alm(36) pp1(12) blk(1) sta(646) stah(282) stas(92) stab(115) stap(2) [file : Lulin06181245.k7]
03:07:2007,07:13:46(UTC) (K7 Total: 27397) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(201) alm(36) pp1(12) blk(1) sta(468) stah(51) stas(83) stab(133) stap(2) [file : Lulin06191245.k7]
03:07:2007,07:13:28(UTC) (K7 Total: 27397) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(228) alm(45) pp1(12) blk(1) sta(320) stas(2) stab(91) stap(2) [file : Lulin06201245.k7]
03:07:2007,07:13:23(UTC) (K7 Total: 27397) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(229) alm(36) pp1(10) blk(1) sta(360) stab(132) stap(1) [file : Lulin06211246.k7]
03:07:2007,07:13:18(UTC) (K7 Total: 27397) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(225) alm(36) pp1(6) sta(399) stab(177) [file : Lulin06221246.k7]
03:07:2007,07:13:13(UTC) (K7 Total: 27396) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(215) alm(36) pp1(6) sta(440) stab(228) [file : Lulin06231247.k7]
03:07:2007,07:12:57(UTC) (K7 Total: 27396) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(221) alm(24) pp1(6) blk(1) sta(463) stab(244) [file : Lulin06241247.k7]
03:07:2007,07:12:45(UTC) (K7 Total: 27396) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(226) alm(24) pp1(6) blk(1) sta(440) stab(216) [file : Lulin06251247.k7]
03:07:2007,07:12:27(UTC) (K7 Total: 27397) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(230) alm(12) pp1(6) blk(2) sta(475) stab(246) [file : Lulin06261248.k7]
03:07:2007,07:12:22(UTC) (K7 Total: 27397) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(239) alm(12) pp1(6) blk(2) sta(438) stab(201) [file : Lulin06271248.k7]
03:07:2007,07:12:16(UTC) (K7 Total: 27396) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(254) alm(12) pp1(12) blk(3) sta(340) stab(86) stap(1) [file : Lulin06291248.k7]
03:07:2007,07:12:09(UTC) (K7 Total: 27395) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(235) alm(36) pp1(18) blk(3) sta(291) stab(56) stap(1) [file : Lulin06301248.k7]
03:07:2007,07:11:58(UTC) (K7 Total: 27397) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(218) alm(48) pp1(24) blk(3) sta(282) stab(65) stap(1) [file : Lulin07011248.k7]
03:07:2007,07:11:52(UTC) (K7 Total: 27397) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(219) alm(36) pp1(30) blk(4) sta(295) stab(77) [file : Lulin07021249.k7]
03:07:2007,07:11:45(UTC) (K7 Total: 27396) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(224) alm(36) pp1(24) blk(3) sta(307) stab(84) [file : Lulin07031249.k7]
03:07:2007,06:06:54(UTC) (K7 Total: 27395) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(224) alm(36) pp1(24) blk(3) sta(307) stab(84) [file : Lulin07031249.k7]
03:07:2007,06:06:35(UTC) (K7 Total: 27395) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(254) alm(12) pp1(12) blk(3) sta(340) stab(86) stap(1) [file : Lulin06291248.k7]
03:07:2007,03:23:49(UTC) (K7 Total: 27395) [K7 Coord :Lulin] Data: sun(230) alm(12) pp1(6) blk(2) sta(475) stab(246) [file : Lulin06261248.k7]

Cimel No 258 System location : EPA-NCU

03:07:2007,03:21:42(UTC) (K7 Total: 22109) [K7 Coord :EPA-NCU] Data: sun(94) alm(132) pp1(36) blk(5) sta(90) stas(1) [file : NCU07012215.k7]

Cimel No 301 System location : Arica

03:07:2007,00:00:29(UTC) (K7 Total: 15961) [K7 Coord :Sodankyla] Data: sun(131) alm(56) pp1(12) blk(2) sta(126) [file : 20070703000019_301.k7]

Cimel No 336 System location : Chilbolton

03:07:2007,15:00:21(UTC) (K7 Total: 12453) [K7 Coord :Chilbolton] Data: sun(105) alm(16) pp1(20) blk(5) sta(140) stah(33) stab(1) [file : 20070703150019_336.k7]

Cimel No 353 System location : La_Laguna

03:07:2007,11:32:29(UTC) (K7 Total: 7178) [K7 Coord :El_Arenosillo] Data: sun(27) alm(12) pp1(36) blk(6) sta(25) [file : p353_07021620.k7]
03:07:2007,11:32:22(UTC) (K7 Total: 13484) [K7 Coord :El_Arenosillo] Data: sun(38) alm(84) pp1(36) blk(1) sta(44) stah(10) [file : p353_07021008.k7]

Cimel No 361 System location : Harvard_Forest

03:07:2007,23:04:34(UTC) (K7 Total: 28941) [K7 Coord :Thule] Data: sun(131) alm(176) pp1(56) blk(11) sta(114) [file : 20070703230404_361.k7]

Cimel No 369 System location : Lanzhou_City

03:07:2007,02:56:22(UTC) (K7 Total: 9471) [K7 Coord :SACOL] Data: sun(71) alm(32) pp1(8) ppp(2) sta(69) [file : lzu070702.k7]

Cimel No 373 System location : Univ_of_Houston

03:07:2007,21:05:59(UTC) (K7 Total: 44977) [K7 Coord :Univ_of_Houston] Data: sun(217) alm(180) pp1(108) blk(11) sta(276) stah(66) [file : 20070703210600_373.k7]

Cimel No 402 System location : Nauru

03:07:2007,00:30:12(UTC) (K7 Total: 29007) [K7 Coord :Nauru] Data: sun(132) alm(152) pp1(72) blk(14) sta(126) stab(2) [file : 20070703003004_402.k7]

Cimel No 427 System location : Toronto

03:07:2007,23:56:02(UTC) (K7 Total: 34991) [K7 Coord :USDA] Data: sun(144) alm(144) pp1(114) blk(11) sta(138) [file : 20070703235600_427.k7]

  + Privacy Policy and Important Notices NASA Curator: David M. Giles
NASA Official: Brent N. Holben
Generated: 31/05/2011