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List of K7 files submitted on 2007/JUL/15

Cimel 4 - 1 file(s) received, (27397 b) site : Tomsk_22 Error statuses
Cimel 22 - 1 file(s) received, (37749 b) site : Singapore Error statuses
Cimel 31 - 1 file(s) received, (30553 b) site : GSFC
Cimel 70 - 1 file(s) received, (41719 b) site : Guadeloup Error statuses
Cimel 99 - 1 file(s) received, (184715 b) site : GSFC Error statuses
Cimel 127 - 1 file(s) received, (32770 b) site : DRAGON_Aldino Error statuses
Cimel 146 - 12 file(s) received, (222622 b) site : Thompson_Farm Error statuses
Cimel 198 - 1 file(s) received, (41483 b) site : Munich_University
Cimel 200 - 2 file(s) received, (38373 b) site : Mexico_City Error statuses
Cimel 252 - 1 file(s) received, (48393 b) site : Barrow
Cimel 336 - 1 file(s) received, (16033 b) site : Chilbolton
Cimel 361 - 1 file(s) received, (32343 b) site : Harvard_Forest
Cimel 369 - 1 file(s) received, (19934 b) site : Lanzhou_City
Cimel 373 - 1 file(s) received, (56539 b) site : Univ_of_Houston

Cimel No 4 System location : Tomsk_22

15:07:2007,19:10:44(UTC) (K7 Total: 27397) [K7 Coord :Arica] Data: sun(225) alm(84) pp1(28) blk(5) sta(232) stab(15) [file : arica0407151509.k7]

Cimel No 22 System location : Singapore

15:07:2007,08:00:03(UTC) (K7 Total: 37749) [K7 Coord :Singapore] Data: sun(188) alm(166) pp1(68) blk(24) sta(207) stas(17) stab(2) [file : 20070715080000_22.k7]

Cimel No 31 System location : GSFC

15:07:2007,23:55:53(UTC) (K7 Total: 30553) [K7 Coord :GSFC] Data: sun(124) alm(152) pp1(72) blk(27) sta(114) [file : 20070715235600_31.k7]

Cimel No 70 System location : Guadeloup

15:07:2007,20:32:34(UTC) (K7 Total: 41719) [K7 Coord :Lat = 16.416667 long = -60.995833 (54.6 km from Guadeloup)] Data: sun(115) alm(29) pp1(17) sky2(626) blk(62) ppp(4) sta(122) stas(5) stap(1) [file : 20070715213000_70.k7]

Cimel No 99 System location : GSFC

15:07:2007,23:30:04(UTC) (K7 Total: 184715) [K7 Coord :CART_SITE] Data: sun(517) alm(552) pp1(372) sky2(1470) blk(187) sta(599) stah(96) stas(1) stab(1) stap(5) [file : 20070715232959_99.k7]

Cimel No 127 System location : DRAGON_Aldino

15:07:2007,09:16:15(UTC) (K7 Total: 32770) [K7 Coord :XiangHe] Data: sun(93) alm(36) pp1(30) blk(4) sta(121) stah(14) stab(15) stap(1) [file : 07151534.k7]

Cimel No 146 System location : Thompson_Farm

15:07:2007,23:58:15(UTC) (K7 Total: 16825) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(82) alm(56) pp1(48) blk(9) sta(147) stah(61) stab(8) [file : 20070716000001_146.k7]
15:07:2007,21:59:15(UTC) (K7 Total: 17665) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(88) alm(56) pp1(48) blk(9) sta(173) stah(81) stab(8) [file : 20070715220001_146.k7]
15:07:2007,19:59:20(UTC) (K7 Total: 17911) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(94) alm(56) pp1(48) blk(9) sta(166) stah(68) stab(8) [file : 20070715200006_146.k7]
15:07:2007,17:59:15(UTC) (K7 Total: 18787) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(100) alm(56) pp1(52) blk(10) sta(172) stah(68) stab(8) [file : 20070715180001_146.k7]
15:07:2007,15:59:14(UTC) (K7 Total: 18867) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(101) alm(56) pp1(52) blk(10) sta(173) stah(68) stab(8) [file : 20070715160001_146.k7]
15:07:2007,13:59:13(UTC) (K7 Total: 18213) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(100) alm(48) pp1(52) blk(10) sta(173) stah(68) stab(8) [file : 20070715140002_146.k7]
15:07:2007,11:59:17(UTC) (K7 Total: 19009) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(101) alm(48) pp1(60) blk(10) sta(172) stah(68) stab(7) [file : 20070715120001_146.k7]
15:07:2007,09:59:11(UTC) (K7 Total: 19069) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(104) alm(48) pp1(60) blk(10) sta(165) stah(58) stab(7) [file : 20070715100001_146.k7]
15:07:2007,07:59:10(UTC) (K7 Total: 19069) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(104) alm(48) pp1(60) blk(10) sta(165) stah(58) stab(7) [file : 20070715080002_146.k7]
15:07:2007,05:59:12(UTC) (K7 Total: 19069) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(104) alm(48) pp1(60) blk(10) sta(165) stah(58) stab(7) [file : 20070715060001_146.k7]
15:07:2007,03:59:08(UTC) (K7 Total: 19069) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(104) alm(48) pp1(60) blk(10) sta(165) stah(58) stab(7) [file : 20070715040001_146.k7]
15:07:2007,01:59:09(UTC) (K7 Total: 19069) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(104) alm(48) pp1(60) blk(10) sta(165) stah(58) stab(7) [file : 20070715020002_146.k7]

Cimel No 198 System location : Munich_University

15:07:2007,22:31:49(UTC) (K7 Total: 41483) [K7 Coord :Munich_University] Data: sun(146) alm(240) pp1(90) blk(30) sta(134) [file : 20070715223000_198.k7]

Cimel No 200 System location : Mexico_City

15:07:2007,02:56:29(UTC) (K7 Total: 26883) [K7 Coord :Mexico_City] Data: sun(151) alm(108) pp1(41) blk(15) sta(161) stas(13) [file : 200_CU07141626.k7]
15:07:2007,02:56:14(UTC) (K7 Total: 11490) [K7 Coord :Mexico_City] Data: sun(54) alm(48) pp1(24) blk(8) sta(67) stah(18) [file : 200_CU07101619.k7]

Cimel No 252 System location : Barrow

15:07:2007,23:29:18(UTC) (K7 Total: 48393) [K7 Coord :Barrow] Data: sun(151) alm(288) pp1(138) blk(15) sta(132) [file : 20070715232904_252.k7]

Cimel No 336 System location : Chilbolton

15:07:2007,15:00:06(UTC) (K7 Total: 16033) [K7 Coord :Chilbolton] Data: sun(133) alm(48) pp1(16) blk(3) sta(134) stah(4) [file : 20070715150003_336.k7]

Cimel No 361 System location : Harvard_Forest

15:07:2007,23:04:33(UTC) (K7 Total: 32343) [K7 Coord :Thule] Data: sun(132) alm(200) pp1(72) blk(14) sta(114) [file : 20070715230402_361.k7]

Cimel No 369 System location : Lanzhou_City

15:07:2007,00:40:57(UTC) (K7 Total: 19934) [K7 Coord :SACOL] Data: sun(75) alm(96) pp1(44) blk(4) ppp(11) sta(69) [file : lzu070714.k7]

Cimel No 373 System location : Univ_of_Houston

15:07:2007,21:08:05(UTC) (K7 Total: 56539) [K7 Coord :Univ_of_Houston] Data: sun(262) alm(252) pp1(138) blk(17) sta(274) stah(17) [file : 20070715210600_373.k7]

  + Privacy Policy and Important Notices NASA Curator: David M. Giles
NASA Official: Brent N. Holben
Generated: 31/05/2011