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List of K7 files submitted on 2007/OCT/15

Cimel 22 - 1 file(s) received, (23389 b) site : Singapore
Cimel 85 - 5 file(s) received, (134418 b) site : BSRN_BAO_Boulder
Cimel 98 - 1 file(s) received, (55271 b) site : GSFC
Cimel 99 - 1 file(s) received, (173501 b) site : GSFC
Cimel 105 - 2 file(s) received, (65545 b) site : NCU_Taiwan Error statuses
Cimel 145 - 1 file(s) received, (23245 b) site : GSFC
Cimel 146 - 12 file(s) received, (235894 b) site : Thompson_Farm
Cimel 161 - 3 file(s) received, (80653 b) site : Skukuza Error statuses
Cimel 171 - 1 file(s) received, (26883 b) site : Dongsha_Island
Cimel 193 - 1 file(s) received, (182191 b) site : Xanthi Error statuses
Cimel 235 - 1 file(s) received, (1128 b) site : Chen-Kung_Univ
Cimel 239 - 1 file(s) received, (63419 b) site : GSFC
Cimel 243 - 1 file(s) received, (82468 b) site : Palencia
Cimel 251 - 1 file(s) received, (1128 b) site : Chen-Kung_Univ
Cimel 252 - 1 file(s) received, (5507 b) site : Barrow
Cimel 257 - 1 file(s) received, (1040 b) site : Lulin
Cimel 301 - 1 file(s) received, (8471 b) site : Arica
Cimel 315 - 2 file(s) received, (28338 b) site : GSFC
Cimel 334 - 1 file(s) received, (15225 b) site : Hong_Kong_PolyU
Cimel 341 - 1 file(s) received, (26169 b) site : Andenes
Cimel 361 - 1 file(s) received, (4119 b) site : Harvard_Forest Error statuses
Cimel 363 - 1 file(s) received, (83667 b) site : Thule Error statuses
Cimel 373 - 1 file(s) received, (65293 b) site : Univ_of_Houston
Cimel 402 - 1 file(s) received, (90693 b) site : Nauru Error statuses
Cimel 405 - 1 file(s) received, (83320 b) site : Adelaide_Site_7 Error statuses
Cimel 438 - 1 file(s) received, (1040 b) site : Bandung
Cimel 439 - 2 file(s) received, (28436 b) site : Mezaira
Cimel 440 - 1 file(s) received, (162118 b) site : GSFC Error statuses
Cimel 450 - 4 file(s) received, (35315 b) site : NUIST
Cimel 471 - 4 file(s) received, (84903 b) site : Issyk-Kul

Cimel No 22 System location : Singapore

15:10:2007,08:00:03(UTC) (K7 Total: 23389) [K7 Coord :Singapore] Data: sun(128) alm(88) pp1(32) blk(13) sta(194) stah(71) [file : 20071015080000_22.k7]

Cimel No 85 System location : BSRN_BAO_Boulder

15:10:2007,16:34:30(UTC) (K7 Total: 26883) [K7 Coord :SANTA_CRUZ_UTEPSA] Data: sun(225) alm(48) pp1(20) blk(8) sta(225) stah(3) [file : 10141443.k7]
15:10:2007,16:34:10(UTC) (K7 Total: 26884) [K7 Coord :SANTA_CRUZ_UTEPSA] Data: sun(194) alm(78) pp1(24) blk(12) sta(190) [file : 10131443.k7]
15:10:2007,16:33:31(UTC) (K7 Total: 26884) [K7 Coord :SANTA_CRUZ_UTEPSA] Data: sun(155) alm(104) pp1(44) blk(17) sta(148) [file : 10121444.k7]
15:10:2007,16:33:07(UTC) (K7 Total: 26883) [K7 Coord :SANTA_CRUZ_UTEPSA] Data: sun(106) alm(143) pp1(60) blk(23) sta(96) [file : 10101444.k7]
15:10:2007,16:32:41(UTC) (K7 Total: 26884) [K7 Coord :SANTA_CRUZ_UTEPSA] Data: sun(105) alm(144) pp1(60) blk(23) sta(95) [file : 10091444.k7]

Cimel No 98 System location : GSFC

15:10:2007,23:29:16(UTC) (K7 Total: 55271) [K7 Coord :Black_Forest_AMF] Data: sun(165) alm(217) pp1(102) sky2(280) blk(45) sta(312) stah(164) stap(1) [file : 20071015232902_98.k7]

Cimel No 99 System location : GSFC

15:10:2007,23:30:03(UTC) (K7 Total: 173501) [K7 Coord :CART_SITE] Data: sun(498) alm(864) pp1(324) sky2(812) blk(126) sta(479) stah(36) stap(1) [file : 20071015232959_99.k7]

Cimel No 105 System location : NCU_Taiwan

15:10:2007,09:12:32(UTC) (K7 Total: 32773) [K7 Coord :NCU_Taiwan] Data: sun(129) alm(24) pp1(4) blk(1) sta(126) [file : 20071015.k7]
15:10:2007,01:35:49(UTC) (K7 Total: 32772) [K7 Coord :NCU_Taiwan] Data: sun(265) alm(32) pp1(36) blk(8) sta(263) stab(1) [file : 20071014.k7]

Cimel No 145 System location : GSFC

15:10:2007,05:00:11(UTC) (K7 Total: 23245) [K7 Coord :Appledore_Island] Data: sun(106) alm(136) pp1(48) blk(10) sta(91) [file : 20071015050002_145.k7]

Cimel No 146 System location : Thompson_Farm

15:10:2007,23:59:19(UTC) (K7 Total: 18255) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(88) alm(88) pp1(40) blk(9) sta(116) stah(39) [file : 20071016000003_146.k7]
15:10:2007,21:59:18(UTC) (K7 Total: 18415) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(90) alm(88) pp1(40) blk(9) sta(118) stah(39) [file : 20071015220003_146.k7]
15:10:2007,19:59:18(UTC) (K7 Total: 19205) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(88) alm(96) pp1(44) blk(9) sta(115) stah(39) [file : 20071015200002_146.k7]
15:10:2007,17:59:18(UTC) (K7 Total: 19205) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(88) alm(96) pp1(44) blk(9) sta(115) stah(39) [file : 20071015180003_146.k7]
15:10:2007,15:59:17(UTC) (K7 Total: 21145) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(88) alm(112) pp1(52) blk(11) sta(113) stah(39) [file : 20071015160003_146.k7]
15:10:2007,13:59:18(UTC) (K7 Total: 20255) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(89) alm(104) pp1(48) blk(10) sta(115) stah(39) [file : 20071015140002_146.k7]
15:10:2007,11:59:16(UTC) (K7 Total: 19769) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(91) alm(104) pp1(44) blk(10) sta(102) stah(23) [file : 20071015120003_146.k7]
15:10:2007,09:59:15(UTC) (K7 Total: 19929) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(93) alm(104) pp1(44) blk(10) sta(104) stah(23) [file : 20071015100003_146.k7]
15:10:2007,07:59:15(UTC) (K7 Total: 19929) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(93) alm(104) pp1(44) blk(10) sta(104) stah(23) [file : 20071015080004_146.k7]
15:10:2007,05:59:14(UTC) (K7 Total: 19929) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(93) alm(104) pp1(44) blk(10) sta(104) stah(23) [file : 20071015060003_146.k7]
15:10:2007,03:59:14(UTC) (K7 Total: 19929) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(93) alm(104) pp1(44) blk(10) sta(104) stah(23) [file : 20071015040003_146.k7]
15:10:2007,01:59:14(UTC) (K7 Total: 19929) [K7 Coord :Thompson_Farm] Data: sun(93) alm(104) pp1(44) blk(10) sta(104) stah(23) [file : 20071015020004_146.k7]

Cimel No 161 System location : Skukuza

15:10:2007,13:48:12(UTC) (K7 Total: 26884) [K7 Coord :Bac_Giang] Data: sun(109) alm(136) pp1(60) blk(22) sta(102) stas(1) stab(1) [file : 141007.k7]
15:10:2007,13:48:05(UTC) (K7 Total: 26885) [K7 Coord :Bac_Giang] Data: sun(114) alm(136) pp1(54) blk(22) sta(106) stab(1) [file : 131007.k7]
15:10:2007,13:47:59(UTC) (K7 Total: 26884) [K7 Coord :Bac_Giang] Data: sun(103) alm(149) pp1(52) blk(23) sta(96) stas(1) [file : 121007.k7]

Cimel No 171 System location : Dongsha_Island

15:10:2007,14:41:53(UTC) (K7 Total: 26883) [K7 Coord :MCO-Hanimaadhoo] Data: sun(108) alm(144) pp1(56) blk(22) sta(98) [file : 101507.k7]

Cimel No 193 System location : Xanthi

15:10:2007,15:03:58(UTC) (K7 Total: 182191) [K7 Coord :Thessaloniki] Data: sun(840) alm(904) pp1(348) blk(109) sta(863) stah(78) stab(34) [file : Merging151007.k7]

Cimel No 235 System location : Chen-Kung_Univ

15:10:2007,19:35:44(UTC) (K7 Total: 1128) [K7 Coord :USDA] Data: sky2(12) blk(4) sta(4) [file : 20071015_235.K7]

Cimel No 239 System location : GSFC

15:10:2007,20:30:14(UTC) (K7 Total: 63419) [K7 Coord :COVE] Data: sun(259) alm(336) pp1(140) sky2(3) blk(42) sta(224) [file : 20071015203007_239.k7]

Cimel No 243 System location : Palencia

15:10:2007,08:45:08(UTC) (K7 Total: 82468) [K7 Coord :Palencia] Data: sun(296) alm(360) pp1(164) blk(49) ppp(41) sta(277) stah(18) [file : P243_071010_071015.k7]

Cimel No 251 System location : Chen-Kung_Univ

15:10:2007,19:35:44(UTC) (K7 Total: 1128) [K7 Coord :USDA] Data: sun(1) alm(1) sky2(12) blk(4) sta(4) [file : 20071015_251.K7]

Cimel No 252 System location : Barrow

15:10:2007,23:30:53(UTC) (K7 Total: 5507) [K7 Coord :Barrow] Data: sun(13) sky2(83) blk(8) sta(54) stah(41) [file : 20071015232904_252.k7]

Cimel No 257 System location : Lulin

15:10:2007,19:35:44(UTC) (K7 Total: 1040) [K7 Coord :USDA] Data: sun(1) sky2(12) blk(1) sta(6) [file : 20071015_257.K7]

Cimel No 301 System location : Arica

15:10:2007,00:00:18(UTC) (K7 Total: 8471) [K7 Coord :Sodankyla] Data: sun(51) alm(32) pp1(16) blk(4) sta(61) stah(9) [file : 20071015000015_301.k7]

Cimel No 315 System location : GSFC

15:10:2007,19:35:44(UTC) (K7 Total: 944) [K7 Coord :GSFC] Data: alm(1) sky2(12) sta(4) [file : 20071015_315.K7]
15:10:2007,13:53:13(UTC) (K7 Total: 27394) [K7 Coord :GSFC] Data: sun(119) alm(156) pp1(64) blk(12) sta(103) [file : gd101407_315.k7]

Cimel No 334 System location : Hong_Kong_PolyU

15:10:2007,20:00:10(UTC) (K7 Total: 15225) [K7 Coord :Hong_Kong_PolyU] Data: sun(117) alm(24) pp1(24) blk(4) sta(122) stap(6) [file : 20071015200008_334.k7]

Cimel No 341 System location : Andenes

15:10:2007,21:35:06(UTC) (K7 Total: 26169) [K7 Coord :Caceres] Data: sun(125) alm(144) pp1(56) blk(13) sta(110) [file : 20071015213501_341.k7]

Cimel No 361 System location : Harvard_Forest

15:10:2007,23:04:07(UTC) (K7 Total: 4119) [K7 Coord :Thule] Data: sun(46) sta(56) stab(10) [file : 20071015230402_361.k7]

Cimel No 363 System location : Thule

15:10:2007,01:03:31(UTC) (K7 Total: 83667) [K7 Coord :Anmyon] Data: sun(447) alm(448) pp1(156) blk(33) sta(401) stab(1) [file : 20071015005327_363.k7]

Cimel No 373 System location : Univ_of_Houston

15:10:2007,21:08:03(UTC) (K7 Total: 65293) [K7 Coord :Univ_of_Houston] Data: sun(230) alm(396) pp1(150) blk(19) sta(235) stah(25) [file : 20071015210600_373.k7]

Cimel No 402 System location : Nauru

15:10:2007,00:30:20(UTC) (K7 Total: 90693) [K7 Coord :Nauru] Data: sun(341) alm(344) pp1(152) sky2(720) blk(104) sta(326) stab(2) [file : 20071015003004_402.k7]

Cimel No 405 System location : Adelaide_Site_7

15:10:2007,12:53:42(UTC) (K7 Total: 83320) [K7 Coord :Adelaide_Site_7] Data: sun(430) alm(416) pp1(180) blk(37) sta(442) stah(28) stab(5) [file : Merging 10-12-2007.k7]

Cimel No 438 System location : Bandung

15:10:2007,19:35:44(UTC) (K7 Total: 1040) [K7 Coord :USDA] Data: sun(1) alm(1) sky2(12) sta(5) [file : 20071015_438.K7]

Cimel No 439 System location : Mezaira

15:10:2007,19:35:44(UTC) (K7 Total: 1040) [K7 Coord :USDA] Data: sun(1) sky2(12) sta(6) [file : 20071015_439.K7]
15:10:2007,13:53:18(UTC) (K7 Total: 27396) [K7 Coord :USDA] Data: sun(92) alm(168) pp1(66) blk(7) sta(82) [file : gd101407_439.k7]

Cimel No 440 System location : GSFC

15:10:2007,05:57:30(UTC) (K7 Total: 162118) [K7 Coord :EIM-Sindos] Data: sun(522) alm(582) pp1(212) blk(35) ppp(217) sta(607) stah(76) stab(53) stap(2) [file : Merging151007.k7]

Cimel No 450 System location : NUIST

15:10:2007,08:36:58(UTC) (K7 Total: 6667) [K7 Coord :NUIST] Data: sun(63) sta(139) stah(77) [file : NUIST071014.k7]
15:10:2007,08:35:53(UTC) (K7 Total: 5822) [K7 Coord :NUIST] Data: sun(34) sta(192) stah(162) [file : NUIST071013.k7]
15:10:2007,08:35:21(UTC) (K7 Total: 6980) [K7 Coord :NUIST] Data: sun(84) sta(84) [file : NUIST071012.k7]
15:10:2007,08:34:51(UTC) (K7 Total: 15846) [K7 Coord :NUIST] Data: sun(117) alm(64) pp1(16) blk(2) sta(112) [file : NUIST071011.k7]

Cimel No 471 System location : Issyk-Kul

15:10:2007,17:21:05(UTC) (K7 Total: 21223) [K7 Coord :Issyk-Kul] Data: sun(64) alm(132) pp1(54) blk(7) sta(57) [file : IKul10151341.k7]
15:10:2007,01:42:42(UTC) (K7 Total: 21226) [K7 Coord :Issyk-Kul] Data: sun(64) alm(132) pp1(54) blk(7) sta(57) [file : IKul10141216.k7]
15:10:2007,01:42:21(UTC) (K7 Total: 21227) [K7 Coord :Issyk-Kul] Data: sun(64) alm(132) pp1(54) blk(7) sta(57) [file : IKul10131253.k7]
15:10:2007,01:41:57(UTC) (K7 Total: 21227) [K7 Coord :Issyk-Kul] Data: sun(64) alm(132) pp1(54) blk(7) sta(57) [file : IKul10121244.k7]

  + Privacy Policy and Important Notices NASA Curator: David M. Giles
NASA Official: Brent N. Holben
Generated: 31/05/2011