When no transmissions are being received at Goddard, please perform the following checks: (see the Vitel information for your software version on our website)
[VITEL Info]
- Verify the time is in UTC and accurate to +/- 5 seconds
- Verify the 12V (larger battery) measures 12-13 volts
- Verify the 12V battery while a transmission is occurring. It should not drop below 12V
- Confirm the Satellite Parameters (ID, TX time, Channel, Satellite type)for your site are correct in the Vitel. (This information will be pre-entered, and should already be correct unless accidently changed)
- Verify the Vitel antenna is secured and has the correct orientation. Antenna position can be calculated on this website Calculate Antenna Position

Properly mounted antenna (orientation is site-dependent)
- During a transmission, the new Vitel software versions display the forward power transmitted immediately after a transmission occurs. While this measurement is very inaccurate (often displaying 8 or 10 W, when it's really 12W), if the forward power is displayed as 0 W, there is definitely a transmitter failure (check failsafe voltage: details below)
- If none of these suggestions improve conditions, contact Goddard for a replacement transmitter
[Failsafe Information]