AERONET Site Information Database
Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)
Site Index
1 - A view of the sun photometer and pyranometers. |
2 - A view of the sun photometer and pyranometers. |
Image 1
Image 2
Site Coordinates and Elevation:
- Latitude: 41.38925° North
- Longitude: 2.11206° East
- Elevation: 125.0 Meters
- This photometer is located in Barcelona city on the roof of the Technical University of Catalonia in Barcelona (Spain). The building is 5 km west of the city center and 6 km from the Mediterranean sea. Additionally, Barcelona site is part of SolRad-Net (http://solrad-net.gsfc.nasa.gov/) and EARLINET (www.earlinet.org/) networks. This set of instruments provides an opportunity to investigate the presence for different aerosol types and its influence on regional meteorological processes.
- Michael Sicard
- E-mail: michael.sicard@univ-reunion.fr
Michael Sicard
LACy - Laboratoire de l'Atmosphère et des Cyclones UMR 8105 UR CNRS MF Université de La Réunion 15 avenue René Cassin - CS 92003 97744 SAINT DENIS CEDEX 9 Tel. +262 2 62 52 89 63 / Internal 2763 Email: michael.sicard@univ-reunion.fr
Co-Investigator(s) Information
- Alejandro Rodriguez Gomez
- E-mail: alejandro.rodriguez.gomez@upc.edu
Alejandro Rodriguez Gomez UPC, Campus Nord Dept. TSC c/ Jordi Girona, 1-3, Edif. D4-008 08034 Barcelona, Spain Tel. 0034 93 413 7237 Fax. 0034 93 401 7200 Email: alejandro.rodriguez.gomez@upc.edu
Manager(s) Information:
- Alejandro Rodriguez Gomez
- Email: alejandro.rodriguez.gomez@upc.edu
Alejandro Rodriguez Gomez
UPC, Campus Nord Dept. TSC c/ Jordi Girona, 1-3, Edif. D4-008 08034 Barcelona, Spain Tel. 0034 93 413 7237 Fax. 0034 93 401 7200 Email: alejandro.rodriguez.gomez@upc.edu
Dept. of Signal Theory and Communications
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
08034-Barcelona, Spain
Email Amy Scully
for content and picture updates.
Last Generated: 28 MAY 2024