AERONET Site Information Database
Egbert (Egbert, Canada)
Site Index
1 - A view of the CARE facility in Egbert. |
2 - A view of the instrument platform. |
Image 1
Image 2
Site Coordinates and Elevation:
- Latitude: 44.23154° North
- Longitude: 79.78141° West
- Elevation: 264.0 Meters
- This instrument is located at Environment Canada's CARE Facility in Egbert. The Centre for Atmospheric Experiments (CARE) was designed as an integrated multi-disciplinary facility to promote atmospheric research. CARE collects data and provides support for the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN), the Canadian Mercury Network (CMN), and the National Atmospheric Chemistry (NAtChem) database. It is also classified as a 'CORE' station for meteorological, particulate matter and trace gas measurements. Egbert is a small rural village near Aliston Ontario about 80 km north of Toronto.
- Norm O'Neill
- E-mail: norm.oneill@USherbrooke.ca
Norm O'Neill
Centre d'applications et de recherches en teledetection (CARTEL) Universite de Sherbrooke Sherbrooke, Quebec Canada J1K 2R1 Phone: 819-821-8000 ext 62965 E-mail: norm.oneill@USherbrooke.ca
- Ihab Abboud
- E-mail: Ihab.Abboud@ec.gc.ca
Ihab Abboud
Measurement and Analysis Research Section Air Quality Research Division Science and Technology Branch Environment Canada Centre for Atmospheric Research Experiments (CARE) 6248 Eighth Line Egbert, Ontario, Canada L0L 1N0 (705) 458-3302 (voice) (416) 802-1071 (mobile) (705) 458-3301 (fax) Email: Ihab.Abboud@ec.gc.ca
- Vitali Fioletov
- E-mail: vitali.fioletov@ec.gc.ca
Vitali Fioletov
Senior Research Scientist Air Quality Research Division Science and Technology Branch Environment Canada 4905 Dufferin Street Toronto, Ontario, M3H 5T4 Canada E-mail: vitali.fioletov@ec.gc.ca Phone: 416 739 4915 Fax: 416 739 4281
Manager(s) Information:
- Ihab Abboud
- Email: Ihab.Abboud@ec.gc.ca
Ihab Abboud
Measurement and Analysis Research Section Air Quality Research Division Science and Technology Branch Environment Canada Centre for Atmospheric Research Experiments (CARE) 6248 Eighth Line Egbert, Ontario, Canada L0L 1N0 (705) 458-3302 (voice) (416) 802-1071 (mobile) (705) 458-3301 (fax) Email: Ihab.Abboud@ec.gc.ca
Environment Canada
Email Amy Scully
for content and picture updates.
Last Generated: 28 MAY 2024