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1 - Taken from a southerly position after a gosun command. In the background you see a 120 m meteorological tower of Forschungszentrum Jülich. That tower is 300 m away towards the north-west and never blocks the sun. |
2 - Taken from a northerly position after a park command. Slighty to the left there is a lightning bolt that may briefly block the sun during the winter season. |
Image 1
Image 2
Site Coordinates and Elevation:
- Latitude: 50.90833° North
- Longitude: 6.41306° East
- Elevation: 111.0 Meters
- The instrument is set up on the roof of a building 17 m above ground level (91 m). The building is located on the campus of Forschungszentrum Jülich in a rural area between the cities of Düsseldorf (47 km north east), Cologne (40 km east) and Aachen (25 km south-west). Jülich is a small town about 4 km away from the station. Within a range of 10 km there are two open cast coal mining areas and a major power plant. Düsseldorf and Cologne both host international airports.
- Birger Bohn
- E-mail: b.bohn@fz-juelich.de
Birger Bohn
Institut fur Energie- un Klimaforschung IEK-8 Troposphare Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH 52428 Julich Germany Phone: ++49-2461-614492 Fax: ++49-2461-615346 Email: b.bohn@fz-juelich.de
Manager(s) Information:
- Birger Bohn
- Email: b.bohn@fz-juelich.de
Birger Bohn
Institut fur Energie- un Klimaforschung IEK-8 Troposphare Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH 52428 Julich Germany Phone: ++49-2461-614492 Fax: ++49-2461-615346 Email: b.bohn@fz-juelich.de
Email Amy Scully
for content and picture updates.
Last Generated: 28 MAY 2024