AERONET Site Information Database
Fort_McMurray (Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada)
Site Index
1 - Sunphotometer over looking Fort McMurray's Timberlea subdivision. |
2 - Sunphotometer is mounted on the roof of the Patricia McInnes Air Quality Monitoring station. |
Image 1
Image 2
Site Coordinates and Elevation:
- Latitude: 56.75231° North
- Longitude: 111.47614° West
- Elevation: 360.0 Meters
- This AEROCAN sunphotometer is located in the town of Fort McMurray, Alberta. Fort McMurray has a poplulation of about 56,000 and is located 435 Km NE of Edmonton, it is home to the Athabasca Oil Sands developement.The sunphotometer is mounted on top of the Patricia McInnes Air Quality Monitoring station. The Patricia McInnes Air Quality Monitoring Station is run by the Wood Buffalo Environmental Association a non-profit organization.This station contains analyzers that continuously measure SO2, TRS, THC, O3, NO, NO2,NOx, PM2.5, wind speed and direction, and temperature. Non-continuous measurement devices include a PM10, VOC's,chemical analysis of precipitation, semi-volatile organic compounds and several passives. Further information about theair quality measurements can be found at: http://www.wbea.org/html/air/station6.html
- Ihab Abboud
- E-mail: Ihab.Abboud@ec.gc.ca
Ihab Abboud
Measurement and Analysis Research Section Air Quality Research Division Science and Technology Branch Environment Canada Centre for Atmospheric Research Experiments (CARE) 6248 Eighth Line Egbert, Ontario, Canada L0L 1N0 (705) 458-3302 (voice) (416) 802-1071 (mobile) (705) 458-3301 (fax) Email: Ihab.Abboud@ec.gc.ca
- Vitali Fioletov
- E-mail: vitali.fioletov@ec.gc.ca
Vitali Fioletov
Senior Research Scientist Air Quality Research Division Science and Technology Branch Environment Canada 4905 Dufferin Street Toronto, Ontario, M3H 5T4 Canada E-mail: vitali.fioletov@ec.gc.ca Phone: 416 739 4915 Fax: 416 739 4281
Manager(s) Information:
- Ihab Abboud
- Email: Ihab.Abboud@ec.gc.ca
Ihab Abboud
Measurement and Analysis Research Section Air Quality Research Division Science and Technology Branch Environment Canada Centre for Atmospheric Research Experiments (CARE) 6248 Eighth Line Egbert, Ontario, Canada L0L 1N0 (705) 458-3302 (voice) (416) 802-1071 (mobile) (705) 458-3301 (fax) Email: Ihab.Abboud@ec.gc.ca
Email Amy Scully
for content and picture updates.
Last Generated: 28 MAY 2024