AERONET Site Information Database
Lille (Lille, France)
Site Index
1 - A view of the sun photometer |
2 - A view of sun photometers |
Image 1
Image 2
Site Coordinates and Elevation:
- Latitude: 50.61167° North
- Longitude: 3.14167° East
- Elevation: 60.0 Meters
- Located at the heart of the University of Lille campus, in Villeneuve d'Ascq, on the roof of the Physics department, the “ATOLL (ATmospheric Observations in liLLe)” multi-laboratory platform is equipped to measure a set of atmospheric variables of 'interest in climate, air quality, satellite and model validation’ATOLL has been part of a long-term automated observation process since the early 1990s.The technologies at work allow the measurement and monitoring of the aerosol-cloud-gas composition, the measurement of the variability and the evolution of the atmosphere in the far North of France, in all its different compartments. Surface -> Lower Stratosphere (LS).ATOLL hosts 2 National Observation Services of CNRS-INSU (PHOTONS-AERONET / EARLINET for aerosols and NDACC-UV for UV radiation) constituting ACTRIS-France, as well as in-situ aerosol / gas measurement instruments in collaboration with several institutions, including IMT-Nord Europe.The scientific, technical and service activities relating to photometry and to lidar sounding are integrated into the Central Facility CARS of ACTRIS infrastructure and are labeled by the University of Lille (ACTRIS-CARS platform).In 2021, the ministry validated the connection of ATOLL as a French National Facility for long-term aerosol observations to CARS (photometry (AERONET) + lidar (EARLINET)) and to ECAC (in situ techniques).These activities are enriched within the framework of academic partnerships (Labex CaPPA, ANR, European projects, AERIS / ICARE, Météo France) and industrial partnerships (Labcom AGORA-Lab with CIMEL; collaboration with GRASP-SAS, etc.) and benefit from a strong regional support (CLIMIBIO & ECRIN).http://www-loa.univ-lille1.fr/observations/plateformes.html?p=lillehttps://imt-nord-europe.fr/recherche-et-innovation/energie-environnement/sciences-de-latmosphere/http://www.labex-cappa.fr/
- Philippe Goloub
- E-mail: philippe.goloub@univ-lille.fr
Phillippe Goloub
Universite de Lille Laboratoire d'Optique Atmospherique (LOA) Departement de Physique Faculte des Sciences et Technologies Bat P5 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq - FRANCE Phone: Email: philippe.goloub@univ-lille.fr
Manager(s) Information:
- Luc Blarel
- Email: luc.blarel@univ-lille.fr
Luc Blarel
Universite de Lille Laboratoire d'Optique Atmospherique (LOA) Departement de Physique Faculte des Sciences et Technologies Bat P5 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq - FRANCE Phone: +33 (0)3 20 43 40 63 Email: luc.blarel@univ-lille.fr
- Thierry Podvin
- Email: thierry.podvin@univ-lille.fr
Universite de Lille
Laboratoire d'Optique Atmospherique (LOA) Departement de Physique - Faculte des Sciences et Technologies - Bat P5 - Bureau 311 Avenue Paul Langevin 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq - FRANCE Phone: +33 (0)3 20 43 66 45
- Gael Dubois
- Email: gael.dubois@univ-lille.fr
Universite de Lille
Laboratoire d'Optique Atmospherique (LOA) Departement de Physique - Faculte des Sciences et Technologies - Bat P5 - Bureau 315 Avenue Paul Langevin 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq - FRANCE Phone: +33 (0)3 20 43 67 96
Universite de Lille
Laboratoire d'Optique Atmospherique (LOA)
Departement de Physique - Faculte des Sciences et Technologies - Bat P5
Avenue Paul Langevin 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq - FRANCE
Email Amy Scully
for content and picture updates.
Last Generated: 28 MAY 2024